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基本上大部分都为课程目的的团队可以分为任务团队,这样的团队结束在完成学习目标和成功的任务,这样的团队应运而生。她在大学期间笔者一直非常幸运,在这方面她对课程目标的实现是不同的团队的一部分。如果团队的有效管理是目前在一个团队中工作可以被描述为一个非常积极的经验,不仅有助于更好地完成任务,团队的形成也可以被称为一个平均增加学习和个人在这样的团体中工作经验(艾德勒,2002)。然而,在很大程度上,团队的有效性取决于不同的维度.。 课程目的所形成的团队,应该有一个坚实的过程和主管在这方面的作用是非常重要的(lencoino,2004)。而选择的组成员的课程主管应该让参与者形成自己的集团或应该使用他或她的专业能力组成一组,不同的组成员可以有效地增加对团队的目标(senha,2010)。小组的首要任务应该是形成明确的目标,然后小组成员应共同努力,以实现这样的目标。这反过来又取决于角色,团队领导者在团队的共同愿景创造并影响组织成员对共同愿景的成就是团队领导者的责任(认知工具,2010)。而在课程组的工作,小组的成员应该集中精力学习,都可以从阅读材料中,不同的成员从不同的来源收集以及团队的不同成员有不同的经验(公司&温克勒,2008)。信任和支持通常是有效团队工作的基础,如果团队成员对团队成员有期望的信任和信任,他们将能够更好地完成既定的目标和目标.。这可以通过建立良好的沟通渠道,避免在团队的情况下,导致团队成员之间的沟通来完成的(草案,2006)。


Essentially most of the teams that are formed for the purpose of coursework could be categorized as task team as such teams comes to an end when the accomplish the learning objectives and successfully present the task for which such teams came into being. The writer of this paper during her stay in the campus has been very lucky in this regard as she has been a part of different teams for the accomplishment of the coursework objectives. If effective management of team is present working in a team could be described as a very positive experience that not only helps in better accomplishment of the task for which the team was formed but also could be termed as a mean add to the learning and experience of individuals working in such groups (Adler, 2002). However, to a huge extent the effectiveness of the team rests on different dimensions.
For coursework purpose teams that are formed should have a solid process and the role of supervisor in this regard is very critical (Lencoino, 2004). While selecting the members of the group the course supervisor should either let the participants to form their own group or should use his or her professional competence to form a group where different members of the group could effectively add towards the team's goals (Senha, 2010). The first task of the group should be to form clear goals and then members of the group should make combined efforts to accomplish such goals. This in turn depends on the role that the team leader played in such teams as the creation of shared vision and then influencing members of the organization towards the accomplishment of shared vision is the responsibility of the team leader (MindTools, 2010). While working in coursework groups, members of the group should always focus their efforts on learning that could be both from the reading materials that the different members gathered from different sources as well as from the different members of the team who essentially have different experiences (Bouncken & Winkler, 2008). Trust and support are usually the foundation of effective team working and if members of the group have the desired trust and confidence over the members of the team, they will be in position to better accomplish the stated goals and objectives. This could be accomplished by building sound communication channel within the team and avoiding circumstances that lead towards miscommunication between the members of the team (Draft, 2006).

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