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加拿大作业代写 学习成本

Keywords:加拿大作业代写 学习成本

尽管个人选择将机会成本用于学习,以使福利最大化,但令人惊讶的是,政府利用公共资金资助这种人力资本投资,因为这种投资的回报在很大程度上是私人收益。纳税人的钱被用来弥补个人未偿还的差额,这显示了政府对个人福利最大化的强烈兴趣。除此之外,政府还有能力将财富和资源重新分配给社会中禀赋较低的成员,以减少不平等,提高社会内部的效率和公平。男女工资差距的不平等现象仍然普遍存在,学历和大学对男女工资差距没有影响。毕业5年后,工资差距扩大到14%,并且随着年龄的增长而继续扩大。此外,市场机制并不总是允许公平分配收入,政府以学费贷款的形式提供补贴,作为一种实物交易,可以让出身较差的潜在毕业生上大学。尽管政府改善了贫困学生上大学的机会,但社会流动性的问题并没有被根除,即使是在同一所大学里,富裕学生的收入也比贫困学生多10%左右。在做福利决策时,一个对某些人有利而对另一些人无害的变化,即帕累托原则(Pareto principle),应该是最理想的。如果将商品重新分配以补贴大学学费使多人受益,那么一些人可能会认为这是有利的,但对公平的判断有许多不同的解释,而资源的有效分配并不一定意味着社会中最平等的人。可以说,教育和培训是人力资本中最有价值的投资。假设人类是理性的存在,他们最终寻求最大化自己的效用,这可以通过在大学完成一个学位来实现,尽管不是没有仔细考虑个人的能力,追求的学位和追求它的机构等因素。劳动力市场收入增加的好处必须与学生贷款的成本进行权衡,但总体而言,获得学位的好处仍大大超过了成本。
加拿大作业代写 学习成本
Although the individual has chosen to commit their opportunity costs to maximising their welfare by choosing to study, it is surprising that governments make use of public funds to subsidise this investment in human capital, as the returns to the investment are largely a private gain7. Taxpayer money is used to make up the difference of what the individual does not repay, signifying the strong interest the government has for maximising individual’s welfare. Beyond that, the government has the ability to redistribute wealth and resources to members of society less endowed10, in order to reduce inequality and improve efficiency and equity within a society. Inequality is still prevalent in the wage gap between men and women, in which the degree subject and university has no influence. Five years after graduation, the wage gap has increased up to 14%1, which continues with age. In addition, market mechanisms do not always allow for a fair allocation of income, for which government subsidies in the form of tuition loans as an in-kind transaction can allow prospective graduates from a poorer background to attend university. Although the government has improved access to university for poorer students, the issue of social mobility has not been eradicated, with richer students earning around 10%1 more than their poorer colleagues even doing the same subject at the same university.A change that benefits some people without harming any others, called the Pareto principle, should be the ideal when making welfare decisions. If a reallocation of goods to subsidise for university tuition benefits multiple people, then it may be valued as favourable by some people, but a judgement of equity has many different interpretations and the efficient allocation of resources does not necessarily mean the most equal amongst a society.It could be argued that education and training are the most valuable investments in human capital. Assuming that humans are rational beings, they ultimately seek to maximise their own utility, which could be achieved through completing a degree at university, although not without careful consideration of factors such as the individual’s own ability, the degree to pursue and which institution to pursue it in. The benefits of increased labour market earnings must be weighed against the costs of student debt, but overall the benefits of attaining a degree still greatly overshadow the costs.

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