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北美护理论文代写 紧张关系

Keywords:北美护理论文代写 紧张关系

在图2中,黑线表示良好的关系,红线表示紧张的关系或压力源。正如你所看到的,L.M.与工作、社区、朋友和家庭有着良好的关系。L.M.与大家庭的关系紧张,而金钱是压力的来源。L.D.M.与朋友、家人、社区和大家庭都有着良好的关系。L.D.M.美国人的压力源是工作、金钱和家务。M.M.与家人、大家庭、朋友和社区关系良好。M.M.美国人的压力源是家务、钱和学校。由于家庭的工作安排非常繁忙,M.M.也有上学的时间表,他们很难找到时间来花时间作为一个家庭和照顾家务。当他们有压力的时候,他们都会向家人和朋友寻求支持。他们表示,这对他们非常有帮助,能够与朋友分享他们的压力源,并度过愉快的时光。L.D.M.经常有“男人周末”,他和一群朋友一起过周末。多年来,L.M.主要通过电话和朋友交谈。M.M.和他最好的朋友一起工作,他们经常下班后出去。家庭成员都同意他们需要互相支持来减少生活中的压力,他们需要努力花时间在一起。对M家庭进行评估后,他们所处的家庭发展阶段为有青少年的家庭(Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Robinson, 2018)。在这个理论中,一些家庭发展任务增加了青少年在家庭中的角色,比如做饭、修理房屋、建立自己的身份(Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Robinson, 2018)。L.M.和L.D.M.通过做多份工作和长时间倒班来维持他们的家庭。M.M.也会帮忙的.
北美护理论文代写 紧张关系
 In the Figure 2, the black lines represent a good relationship and red lines represent a strained relationship or stressor. As you can see L.M. has a good relationship with work, the community, friends, and family. L.M. has a strained relationship with extended family and money is a stressor. L.D.M. has a good relationship with friends, family, the community, and extended family. L.D.M.’s stressors are work, money, and chores. M.M. has a good relationship with family, extended family, friends, and the community. M.M.’s stressors are chores, money and school. Because the family has very busy work schedules, and M.M. also has a school schedule, it is hard for them to find time to spend quality time as a family and take care of the household duties. The M family all look to family and friends for support when they are stressed. They state that this is very helpful to them to be able to share their stressors with their friends and have a good time. L.D.M. often has “guy weekends” where he and a group of friends get together for a weekend. L.M. mostly talks to her friends on the phone, which she has done for years. M.M. works with his best friend and they go out after work often. The M family members all agree that they need to support each other to reduce the stressors in their life and they need to make an effort to spend quality time together.After assessing the M family, the family developmental stage that they are in is the families with adolescents (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Robinson, 2018). In this theory some family developmental tasks are increasing the adolescent’s role in the family by cooking, doing repairs around the home, and allowing them to establish their own identity (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Robinson, 2018). L.M. and L.D.M. are maintaining their household by working multiple jobs and long shifts. M.M. helps out as well when he can。

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