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埃博拉病毒得名于扎伊尔的一个河谷,现在被称为刚果民主共和国(Democratic Republic of Congo),它最初是在那里被发现的。它是RNA病毒丝状病毒科的两种成员之一。Filoviridae首次被发现是在1967年埃博拉病毒首次爆发的9年前,当时的工作人员接触了来自乌干达的非洲绿猴的血液,这些绿猴携带马尔堡病毒[6]。丝状病毒科与副粘病毒科和横纹肌病毒科一起构成单钩病毒目。在该家族中有一个单独的属,丝状病毒,并分离成两个血清/基因型,马尔堡和埃博拉[6]。根据filovirus的高死亡率、人际传播、气溶胶感染性、缺乏疫苗和化疗等特点,将其划分为“生物4级”制剂[5]。其中4个已在人类中造成疾病:埃博拉-扎伊尔、埃博拉-苏丹、埃博拉-科特迪瓦和埃博拉-本迪布焦。第五种是埃博拉-莱斯顿病毒,它只在灵长类动物身上引起疾病。1976年,人们发现了埃博拉病毒的第一个亚型——扎伊尔埃博拉病毒。一名当地人因发烧住进扎伊尔的一所医院。护士认为他得了疟疾,给他注射了奎宁。当病人回家时,他去世了,一个传统的非洲葬礼被组织起来。在预备的时候、他家里的妇人、用手从他身上取了血来。大多数妇女在[4]后不久死亡。与此同时,医院的护士在没有消毒的情况下重复使用了注射奎宁的针头,将病毒传播给了每一个接触过它的人。一位医生被请来演示如何给他们的针头消毒、净水,以及如何掩埋堆积如山的尸体。在对一具尸体进行尸检后进行隔离,直到所有感染病毒的人都死于[4]。扎伊尔埃博拉病毒通过重复使用的针头和尸体在医院传播,1976年至2003年期间平均死亡率为82.6%。
Named after the river valley in Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo, where it was first recognized, Ebola began its publicity in the spotlight of an epidemic. It is one of two members of RNA viruses called Filoviridae. Filoviridae were first discovered 9 years before the initial outbreak of Ebola, in 1967, in workers who were exposed to blood from African green monkeys imported from Uganda that had the Marburg virus [6]. The family Filoviridae constitutes, together with the families Paramyxoviridae and Rhabdoviridae, the order Mononegavirales. Within the family there is a single genus, filovirus, and a separation into two sero-/genotypes, Marburg and Ebola [6]. Filoviruses are classified as “Biological Level 4″agents [5] based on their high mortality rate, person-to-person transmission, potential for aerosol infectivity, and absence of vaccines and chemotherapy .There are five identified subtypes of the Ebola virus. Four of the five have caused disease in humans: Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan, Ebola-Ivory Coast and Ebola-Bundibugyo. The fifth, Ebola-Reston, has caused disease only in primates [2]. In 1976, the first subtype of Ebola was discovered, Ebola-Zaire. A local was admitted to a hospital in Zaire with a fever. The nurse assumed he had malaria and gave him a quinine shot. When the patient went home he died and a traditional African funeral was organized. In preparation, the woman from his family removed the blood from his body with their bare hands; most of the women died shortly after [4]. Meanwhile, the nurses at the hospital reused the needle for the quinine injection without sterilizing it, spreading the virus to everyone who came in contact with it. A doctor was called in to show how to sterilize their needles, purify their water, and give tips on how to bury the bodies that were now piling up. Quarantine followed after an autopsy was performed on a corpse and was held until every person who had contracted the virus had died [4]. Ebola-Zaire spread through the hospitals through reused needles and dead bodies, claiming an average 82.6% fatality rate from 1976 to 2003 [5].

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