The objective of developing insights to education and learning research related to business curricula can be considered a direct response to these research developments. This perspective is not limited to higher education but has also been proven as applicable to all education levels. According to Anfara and associates (2006), the perceived improvement of the content of curricula may not necessarily be due to changes in the actual content but rather the accessibility and achievement of learning objectives. In the case of the current students and attendees of the classes and workshops, the challenge is to be able to communicate to them the importance of their classroom activities to their professional lives.Previous experience as a business professional has already highlighted the importance of effective communication and the development of competencies in communicating in English. The need to master and international language is not only a skill to be learned, it can be considered as an actual requirement for anyone who wants to succeed in the field of business. There is also need to recognize that communication is also not limited to the mastery of a language but there is also a need to develop competencies that will allow one to communicate effectively with people whose language skills may not be as well developed. In order to examine current teaching scenario based on current research on classroom and learning strategies, it is critical to consolidate learning from business practice in Australia with the experience that I have been able to accumulate as a teacher. preliminary examination has highlighted to me that students are often unable to realize the importance of getting a good business education and that language and cultural barriers can really exacerbate this concern.