psychology essay代写:EA测速
Keywords:psychology essay代写
psychology essay代写:EA测速
In support of correlations,the greater the number the lower its relevance durning the MEMT test. Compared with other experiments,there is a similar trend, but EA test in this case is more prominent. It changes by leaps and bounds. The number of EA test will be higher in the aspect of accuracy and confidence while the same participants take part in.This indicates that finding the correlation of related things is a relatively simple test of all. We turn our eyes to the submit tendencies, APM experiment, participants own the highest score, however, the participants in terms of confidence and accuracy is not always the highest. They, confidence , accuracy and Decision-making do not appear positively correlated.In support of the postulated hypothesis factors on the correctness of the table, there will be mutual influence between different experiments. Maybe, participants’s psychological changes lead to the during the experiment. In the study of accuracy, the submit tendencies of GK test is smallest, the rest followed by MDMT and APM yet EA still the biggest.In the study of decision-making, the submit tendencies of the GK experiment becomes relatively higher.From the table we know the relationship between confidence and those related experiments, it is a question that participants own sufficient confidence or not. Following by APM and GK ,to our surprise ,there is no need of confidence in MDMT test. Now,we focus on the correlation among each other. There is a remarkable relationship for MDMT test with each test, except for GK, whenever it is in accuracy,confidence or decision-making analysis.The correlation between APM and GK is similar to the MDMT with GK. EA attaches to other test more tightly because of the obvious correlation number. GK is short for the general knowledge and it is agreeable that the mood or what participants have shown in the past test have little influence on GK test, we can see it is more independent. The number h² is stand for the contribution that this factor made to the whole experiment. APM ranks the first in both accuracy statistics and confidence statistics.