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Science Essay代写:慢性肾脏病

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慢性肾脏病已成为在印度和巴基斯坦的主要问题。每年有成千上万的人死去。根据哈桑博士(2014)“20000人每年死于因肾衰竭”。印度人口超过十亿,但肾脏透析中心非常少,因为患有慢性肾脏病的病人的数量在日益增加。根据Sampath(2013)“印度缺乏足够的金奈中心的肾病患者。不幸的是,慢性肾脏病并没有治愈的方法,尽管治疗可以暂时减缓疾病的进程,防止其他严重疾病的发展。然而,慢性肾脏病的治疗是通过透析机去除血液中的废物。本机是由Willem Kolff博士发明的1943。机器是一种人工替代肾脏的方法,但问题是一个人能在机器上停留多长时间? 在巴基斯坦和在技术上的其他主要发展在癌症患者的治疗中做了在。在巴基斯坦没有癌症医院,直到1993。29十二月1994伊姆兰汗创立Shaukat Khanum纪念癌症医院和研究中心在巴基斯坦。根据伊姆兰汗(2014)“Shaukat Khanum癌症医院治疗75%的癌症患者免费” 根据患者统计(2013)引用总理khanum.org”1013050个癌症患者经治疗后已至此”。

Science Essay代写:慢性肾脏病

Chronis kidney disease has been one of the major problems in India and Pakistan. Thousands of people die every year. According to Dr. Hassan (2014) “20,000 Pakistanis die every year because of kidney failure”. India’s population is more than I billion but the kidney dialysis centres are very less as the number of patients are suffering from chronic kidney disease are increasing day by day. According to Sampath (2013) “India lacks enough Chennai centres for kidney patients”. Unfortunately there is no cure for the chronic kidney diseases although treatment can slow down the progression of the disease for a time being and prevent other serious conditions developing. However the treatment of chronic kidney disease is done by the dialysis machine which removes the waste from our blood. This machine was invented by Dr. Willem Kolff 1943. The machine is an artificial way of replacing the kidneys but the question is for how long can a person remain attach to a machine?
The other major development in technology in Pakistan and India was made in the treatment for cancer patients. In Pakistan there was no cancer hospital till 1993. On 29 December 1994 Imran khan founded Shaukat Khanum memorial cancer hospital and research centre in Pakistan. According to imran khan (2014) “shaukat khanum cancer hospital treats 75% of the cancer patients for free”
According to the patient statistics (2013) cited by shaukat khanum.org “1,013,050 cancer patients have been treated so far”.

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