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运动效应联轴器发展之间的7个月和9个月的年龄[ 16 ]。虽然一些研究者认为9个月是在心理发展方面的重要门户,在婴儿开始从单纯的感觉吨知觉,约万诺维奇和Schwatzer指出,这是经验,导致活性的变化在这个年龄段,而不是在理解一些更深层次的变化。触觉探索是通过皮肤,肌肉和关节的同时运作的信息被同化和处理的过程[ 17 ]。在婴儿能够处理触觉的感官获得的信息通过触觉探索的主题辩论的时候,用栈和措尼斯表明7个月大的孩子能够使用手动接触获得的触觉信息,但是这种知觉技能只是发展在这个年龄。 发展阶段明确区分感觉皮亚杰基础期和一个认知发展之间。因此,0-2年感觉运动时期是孩子具有纯粹基于行动,他对5感的[ 18 ]的世界的一种认识世界。婴儿学会感觉来自于他们接触到的物体[ 19 ]。这些都是用来将新的对象根据以往经验,采用行动模式[ 20 ]。相比之下,3-7年前运算期参与,他感知世界的方式,与世界的孩子。因此,预操作的孩子还没有开发的模式和记忆能力,以充分和准确的扣除他们正在观看[ 21 ]。儿童学习秩序和结构的世界(感知)的基础上探索和互动[ 22 ]。年龄小于2岁的儿童只使用相对的功能,如绝对位置或外观,记忆的对象,而年龄较大的儿童可以使用更抽象的感性功能,如颜色


Movement-effect couplings develop between 7 and 9 months of age[16]. Whilst some researchers suggest that 9 months is a crucial gateway in terms of psychological development, in which infants begin to move from simple sensation ton perception, Jovanovic and Schwatzer indicate that it is experience that leads to the change in activity at this age, rather than some deeper alteration in understanding. Haptic exploration is the process by which information is assimilated and processed through the simultaneous functioning of skin, muscles and joints[17]. The age at which infants are able to process the tactile sensory information gained via haptic exploration is subject to debate, with Stack and Tsonis indicating that 7 month olds were able to use manual contact to acquire haptic information but that this perceptual skill was only just developing at this age.
The Piagetian stages of development clearly differentiate between the sensation based period and the one in which perception is developing. Thus the 0-2 years sensori-motor period involves the child having an understanding of the world purely based on the actions he performs on the world in terms of the 5 senses[18]. The infant learns that sensations arise from objects that they come into contact with[19]. These are used to categorise novel objects based on prior experience, using action schema[20]. By contrast the 3-7 years pre-operational period involves the child relating to the world in terms of the way that he perceives the world. Thus the pre-operational child hasn’t developed the schemas and memory capacity to make full and accurate deductions about what they are viewing[21]. The child learns to order and structure the world (perceive) based on exploration and interaction[22]. Children below the age of 2 years utilise only relative features, such as absolute position or appearance, of an object for remembering, whereas older children can use more abstract perceptual features, such as colour

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