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调查结果显示,有一个前所未有的激增政策旨在提高教育和识字标准在中学。老师的目标,新的资格实行更严格的课程和短‑长期资金的举措在地方和国家一级的感应都被测试(单独或同时)在过去两届政府。累积的结果有点令人失望的目标失之交臂,配额分配和–‑小姐是–学术素养标准不是政策制定者会有预期的上升。虽然热衷于强调孤立的教育成就(如增加中学学生达到2级资格),有一种意识,在英国的扫盲提高政策未能解决问题的原因,而不是只看效果。这主要是由于政策矫枉过正,对部分新的劳动,鼓励教师专注于那些可能会产生积极的结果在配额和目标‑具体语境在那些额外的辅导最需要的费用。 “老师们要求灵活。他们想在教学中展示自己的想法,并表明他们拥有自己所教的东西。但为什么(政府)仍然坚持这些目标?一切都表明,他们缩小课程,强调学生,使生活更难。如果桌子还在,什么也不会改变。


Findings have shown that there has been an unprecedented surge in policy aimed at improving educational and literacy standards in secondary schools. Teacher targets, the imposition of new qualifications, the induction of a more stringent curriculum and short‑term funding initiatives at a local and national level have all been trialled (either individually or simultaneously) within the past two government terms. The cumulative results have been somewhat disappointing with targets missed, quotas miss‑allocated and – crucially – academic and literacy standards not rising as policy makers would have intended. Although keen to stress isolated educational successes (such as the increase in secondary students attaining Level 2 qualifications), there is a sense that the literacy enhancement policies in the UK are failing to address the cause of the problem, seeking instead to look only at the effect. This is largely due to ‘policy overkill’ on the part of New Labour whereby teachers are encouraged to concentrate exclusively on those students who are likely to yield positive results in a quota and target‑specific context at the expense of those who are most in need of extra tutorial assistance.“Teachers are crying out for flexibility. They want to demonstrate their own ideas in teaching and show that they have ownership of what they are teaching. But why is [the government] still hanging on to these targets? Everything shows that they narrow the curriculum, stress pupils out and make life harder. Nothing will change if tables are still involved.” 

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