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在儿童时期,母语的发展能力是最重要的,因为语言是获取知识的关键。我们的母语是克里奥尔语。它用于学前教育,但更多地使用英语和法语。教育和人力资源部计划在教学中引入克里奥尔语作为一种可选语言。不能应付阅读、写作和数数困难的孩子将使用母语掌握基本知识,他们可以把基本技能转移到他们在学校学习的其他课程上[ 14 ]。因此,学前教育工作者可以使用克里奥尔语帮助孩子掌握基本技能,学习使用语言,在不同的情境中交流自己的感受和感受。他们通过参与不同的活动,如参加互动游戏,听故事和唱歌来发展他们的口头(听/说)和写作技能(读/写)。在这个领域,对孩子的评估是通过观察他或她进行的。性能指标可以用来帮助教师简介幼儿的语言能力,是孩子是否能够交流和分享他/她的感情[ 12 ]。计算机可以提供一些互动的教育游戏,孩子们喜欢让他们区分形状和结束时给他们一个评分。此外,在计算机的帮助下,教师可以通过给孩子们提供图片和视频来让他们听故事。
During childhood, development proficiency in the mother tongue is of the utmost importance as language is the key to knowledge acquisition. Our mother-tongue is Creole. It is used in pre-primary education but English and French are used more. The Ministry of Education and Human Resources is planning to introduce Creole as an optional language in education. Children who cannot cope with the difficulties of mastering reading, writing and counting will use the mother tongue to master basics, and they can transfer the basic skills to other classes they follow at school [14]. Therefore the pre-school educators can use Creole to help the children understand mastering basic skills.Children learn to use language in order to communicate their experiences and feelings in different situation. They develop their oral (listening/speaking) and written skills (reading/written) by being involved in different activities such as participating in interactive games, listening to stories and singing. In this area, assessment of the child is made by observing him or her. The performance indicators can be used to help out the teacher to profile the children's language ability that is whether the child is being able to communicate and share his/her feelings [12].Computer can be used to provide some interactive educational games to the children like allowing them to differentiating shapes and giving them a score at the end. Besides, with the help of computer, teachers can make the children listen to stories by providing them with images and videos.

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