In a changing environment, universities as the main source of new knowledge and skills are necessary for the creation of knowledge-based economy, because the university could almost be a 'machine' of economy itself. In this scenario, the university rather than under threat, but will become more central. A Study Center for Studies in higher education actually has the higher ability to conduct research and development in the field of science and technology, because here are usually available sophisticated science and technology infrastructure and high-quality human resources are relatively sedentary and expert in their areas of knowledge. However, because the research requires funding not less, and always expect the government research grants are not possible, then they have to look for new breakthroughs happen (Pranyoto, 2008). Register and take care of Patent Rights from the results of research conducted can be an alternative answer. In addition to creating the phenomenon of triple helix in university, industry and government, can be pursued for example a company hires an academics to become a business people, or vice versa, or it may be possible that governance staff become an academics at the University. This can happen only if there is mutual openness and mutual collaborative cooperation between the three parties.The above description was consistent with the explanation Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff (1995), regarding third-party linkages in the triple helix model of this. Explained that if for example there is an established industry based on the triple helix model would have to allow for the process to stimulate innovation in academician, business, and government (ABG) as the main actors in innovation systems. Therefore, synergized cooperation Among Those three actors is expected to occur, so in the long term, industry will have high competitiveness through its capability to innovate. Some Important features of this model mainly include: (1) ABG Transformation in relation to result in knowledge. Role of the parties INVOLVED is more on the integrated relationship than the transfer of knowledge through intermediaries, (2) Recursive interaction. Relationships Among the parties are more in form of continuous development process, (3) Vague roles and Limitation (fuzzy border) among actors. University, for example also takes its role in developing entrepreneurial, while private has its role in academic dimension, (4) Micro-level of analysis in an institutional context. This institution is not only related to organization but also relationships, interaction, and rules / policy, and other aspect like norm and tradition.