
我的哲学是从维果斯基的社会文化理论中建立的,它将运用许多策略和技术来帮助孩子学习和发展过程。维果茨基认为对孩子的学习至关重要的社会交往将会有很多机会。他把所有的互动都看作是社会学习的机会,无论是与教师、家庭成员、老年人,还是更年轻的知识渊博的同龄人。(基于网络的:学习理论知识库,2010)儿童参与这些互动将显示他们如何学习和学到了多少知识。维果茨基成立了一个地区,后来被称为最近发展区(ZPD),孩子是他们所有的学习。这个区域是孩子已经知道的和他们可以知道的帮助之间的区别。我的哲学包括这个领域,作为儿童发展和学习的重要组成部分。在适当的学习经验和资源以及文化、社会和历史影响下,孩子可以从其他熟练的学习者或教育者的帮助下学习。他们学习解决问题的技巧和思考的工具,以及掌握技能所需的知识。(木Attfield 4, 2005章)。打在孩子的教育中一个非常重要的角色;它有助于使他们的世界和他们的参与感。通过游戏,孩子们学到了丰富的知识和技能,如语言,社会交往,问题解决,数学和科学应用,以及创造性的想象力。孩子们怎样学习?他们通过主动学习,通过组织自己的学习经验学习;通过使用语言学习,通过与他人交流学习。(费舍尔,2002)学习经验会在任何时候在任何环境中发生。这些领域包括:沙子和水,玩面团,音乐和运动,建筑,拼贴,杂乱的玩耍区域,书籍和故事,装扮,戏剧和假装游戏,操纵游戏,探索,木工,积木,自然和科学,以及体力活动。我作为教育家的职责是确保这些环境都为儿童提供,同时也提供了取之不尽的优质资源。监管人员将妥善维护这些地区的安全,急救培训将是一项要求。
My philosophy, built from the sociocultural theories of Lev Vygotsky, will use many strategies and techniques that assist a child through the learning and development process. There will be many opportunities for the social interactions that Vygotsky thought were fundamental to the child's learning. He counted all interactions as social learning opportunities whether they were with teachers, family members, older adults or even younger more knowledgeable peers. (Web-based: Learning theories knowledge base, 2010) The child's participation in these interactions will show how they are learning and how much they have learnt. Vygotsky founded an area that was later called the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) where the child did all of their learning. This area was the difference between what a child knows already and what they can know with assistance. My philosophy includes this area as a vital component for the children's development and learning. The child learns with assistance from other skilled learners or educators, in an environment with appropriate learning experiences and resources, and with cultural, social and historical influences. They learn the problem solving skills and tools for thinking, as well as the knowledge required to be able to master the skill. (Wood & Attfield, chapter 4, 2005).Play has a very important role in the education of the child; it helps them to make sense of the world and their part in it. Through play, children learn a wealth of knowledge and skills related to such things as language, social interactions, problem solving, mathematical and scientific applications, along with creative imagination. How do children learn? They learn by being active; they learn by organizing their own learning experiences; they learn by using language and they learn by interacting with others. (Fisher, 2002) Learning experiences will occur in any environment at any time throughout the day. These areas will include: sand and water, play dough, music and movement, construction, collage, messy play areas, books and storytelling, dress up, drama and make believe play, manipulative play, exploration, carpentry, blocks, nature and science, and physical activities. My role as an educator is to ensure that these environments are all provided for the children along with an unending supply of quality resources. Safety in these areas will be well maintained by the supervisory staff and training in first aid will be a requirement.