
中国人和澳大利亚人倾向于以不同的方式解决冲突。自从中国来自一个强大的媒体女性的社会,和谐的人际关系的强调,他们将尝试使用间接的方式来避免直接和公开的冲突。”(Birgit百日草S. 2004:134)他们面对冲突时,他们更愿意通过协商谈判解决冲突和妥协。个人主义和中男性的美国经理习惯于直接面对问题,把事情公开。为了解决分歧,美国的经理们更愿意使用直接涉及他人的合理的论据、事实证据和建议的解决方案。中国的管理者使用这些策略比澳大利亚的经理,因为使用的策略会引起明显的分歧,认为这是极不可取的。此外,澳大利亚经理不愿意投入的时间和精力,争取其他人的帮助,当他们有冲突或与另一方的问题。相反,强大的集体取向和不确定性回避价值观在中国鼓励中国的管理者使用的影响,涉及到三分之一方的援助间接形式。一个很难对付的或有争议的要求,影响间接的形式是由中国管理者倾向于避免丢脸和破坏性的关系。当他们的澳大利亚伙伴提议使用直接和开放的方式来处理冲突时,他们可能会感到尴尬。文化冲击是焦虑、挫折感、疏离和愤怒可能发生当一个人放在一个新的文化。
What’s more, the Chinese and Australians tend to resolve conflicts in different ways. Since the Chinese come from a strong media feminine society in which harmony and personal relationship are emphasized, they will try to use indirect ways to avoid direct and open conflict.’(Birgit Zinnias S. 2004 :134)When they face conflict, they prefer to resolve conflict through negotiation and compromise. Individualistic and medium masculine American managers are used to confronting problems directly and bringing things out in the open. To resolve differences, American managers will prefer to use tactics that involve directly confronting others rational arguments, factual evidence, and suggested solutions. Chinese mangers use those tactics less than Australian managers, because using the tactics will provoke overt disagreement, which is considered highly undesirable.
In addition, Australian managers are reluctant to invest the time and effort required to enlist the help of other people, when they have conflicts or problems with another party. In contrast, the strong collective orientation and uncertainty avoidance values in ‘China encourage Chinese managers to use indirect forms of influence that involve the assistance of a third party. To deal with a difficult or controversial request, indirect forms of influence are preferred by Chinese managers to avoid losing face and damaging guanxi. When their Australia partners propose to use direct and open ways to deal with the conflict, they may feel embarrassed.
Culture shock is the anxiety, feelings of frustration, alienation and anger that may occur when a person is emplaced in a new culture.