
看看孩子们是如何身体发育的。这可以被分为精细的运动技能,如绘画、写作、运动技能,如踢球和机车技能,比如走路,跑步。在0 - 3岁之间是身体快速发育的时期。新生儿在三岁之前就会被反射,孩子们在爬行,爬行,有精细的动作技能来操纵玩具和食物。在3 - 7岁之间,运动更加协调,信心在增长,精细的运动技能更精细,例如切割,写作,绘画。像跑步、踢足球这样的运动技能更有自信。在7 - 12岁之间,孩子们经常参加爱好和兴趣,这提高了他们的技能,例如跳舞。良好的运动技能是控制绘画,演奏乐器和缝纫。这些都受到环境和机遇的影响。这个年龄段的女孩可以开始表现出青春期的迹象,因此,在为PE做改变的时候,应该表现出关心。12- 16年是孩子们成长和壮大的时期。
looks at how children develop physically. This can be split into fine motor skills such as drawing, writing, gross motor skills such as kicking a ball and locomotive skills i.e. walking, running. Between the ages of 0-3 years is a period of rapid physical development. Newborns are governed by reflexes until by the age of three, children are moving, crawling walking and have the fine motor skill to manipulate toys and feed themselves. Between the ages 3-7 years movements are more coordinated, confidence is growing and fine motor skills are more refined e.g. cutting, writing, drawing. Gross motor skills such as running, kicking a ball are more confidently achieved. Between the ages of 7-12 years children often take part in hobbies and interests and this enhances their skills e.g. dance. Fine motor skills are controlled for drawing, playing instruments and sewing. These are influenced by environment and opportunity. Girls at this age can start to show signs of puberty and therefore care should be shown for example when getting change for PE. 12-16 years is a time when children are growing in both height and strength.