
According to Media/Impact, an introduction to mass media by Shirley Biagi, mass media not only reflect and affect politics, society and culture but also provides the audiences information and entertainment to fulfill their needs. Selective perception can be define as a concept that every people will processes informations and messages individually. When an information or messages was sent through media, different person will base on their background, own interest and the level of education to receive and react to the information and messages. For example, a college student like to watch comedy, animation and adventure this three genres of movie like Frozen, their family member most probably also will like to watch because they are influence by each other. One person will choose what to do what to read wand what to watch base on their own interest. Then, when a high educational audience watching movie Frozen, they will have much more inspiration toward the moral value of the movie as compare to low educational audiences. The high educational audiences will pay deep attention to what they have watched and will think that if the message they received can influence their minds and they will apply it in their daily life. For low educational audiences, they will think that watch movie just part of recreation.