
I am in team six in this course or class. I am delegated the work to finish the task given by Mr Vedha. Mr Vedha is given us a piece of paper with some question on it and ask us to answer it carefully in order to understand you better. There is a list of question that needed to be answer. It is a team role test. The objective of this test is to identify our team role.The information of this theory may benefit us. After we identify our team roles, it let us to build good working relationships, develop high-performing teams and raise self-awareness and personal effectiveness. I am doing the test very seriously and I am having the score that describe my personality. I am a monitor evaluator. I also know that each team roles has it own characteristics and having the ability to contribute to a team. However, a team can't have all the members with the same team. This team can't be a prefect team because the strength and weaknesses are mostly similar for all members. On the other hand, the team can only be perfect with all members with different team role. However, almost people have a mix of roles. It didn't mean a team must have nine people with different role to be a success team. I have dominant and subdominant roles. I am also a coordinator and team worker. My score is the highest for monitor evaluator and the score for coordinator and team worker is the slightly lower.