
After a thorough research on 'group' definition, formation theory and stages of group development areas, we have formed a formal group of seven pupils to accomplish a course work and have undertaken couple of group meetings to date. We have considered various factors before forming the group; such as, background factors which includes, arranging a regular meeting room in the university campus; choosing people from different geographical locations to bring diversity; ensuring some technological facilities, like computer, projector and flipchart; implementing a strict policy of attendance in meeting and willingly participating in regular tasks to finish it on time; finally, forming a mutual fund to raise money for expenses, like, photocopy, printing or travelling for interviews. We have also considered required and given behaviours as well as emergent or actual behaviours before forming the group. In terms of stages of group development we have just completed Forming and Storming stages. In forming stage we introduced each other, found out attitudes, backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses; also produce the agenda of the tasks as well as basic rules and regulations of the group. The hectic stage was storming stage. Although we had an organised manifesto for the meeting, group members still came up with lot of questions about how to start the task, choosing the sample (organisation) for the task, enquiries on already given rules in Forming session, leadership, task allocation, time-management and so on. In spite of all those conflicts, we managed to form a formal structure at the end to escalate the group next level, which is Norming stage where we are expecting to form a mutual understanding and camaraderie to trigger our activities towards the completion of the group work on time. Our group activities will be reported more in details in group report before the submission deadline. However, so far the issues we have come across in the group work are as follows