
据报道,2/3的非洲裔美国人生活在种族隔离的环境下,2/3的非洲裔美国人在少数民族学校就读。Massey的研究集中于1999年秋季学期3924名学生进入28所名牌大学的学术成就。他对这些新生进行了调查,并收集了社区和高中社会条件的数据,发现“种族隔离背景的少数族裔学生进入了不合格的学校,接受了较低的质量指导,接触到了更高层次的混乱和暴力,对校园生活的社会准备也较少。”(Massey, 2006, 6)通过观察这些学生在大学前三个学期的成绩,Massey得出结论,种族隔离对学生成绩有显著影响。他估计,从完全的种族隔离到完全的种族隔离会降低GPAs的0.13,并且将种族隔离的背景考虑进去会减少绩效差距,但并没有完全消除。他还预测,由于他的数据来自高选择性的学校,总体而言效果会更差。
reported that 2/3 of African American lived under conditions of high racial segregation, and that 2/3 of all African Americans attended minority dominant schools. Massey's study focused on the academic achievement of 3924 students entering 28 selective universities in the Fall semester of 1999. He surveys these freshmen and assembles a data set on social conditions in neighborhoods and high schools and finds that "minority students from segregated backgrounds attended substandard schools, received lower quality instruction, were exposed to higher levels of disorder and violence, and were less prepared socially for campus life." (Massey, 2006, 6) By looking at the reported performance of these students over their first three semesters in college, Massey concluded that segregation has a significant impact on student achievement. He estimated that going from total integration to total segregation would lower GPAs by about 0.13, and that taking segregated backgrounds into account reduces the performance gap, but doesn't completely eliminate it. He also predicts that, because his data is from highly selective schools, in general the effect will be worse.