
Work starts at 8.30 a.m. and ends at 4.45 p.m. from Monday to Friday. There is a short break in the morning at 9.30 when tea or coffee is served in the kitchen. At 12.30 pm there is a long break of one hour. Finally, there is a last break at 3 in the afternoon lasting for 15 minutes. However, managers sometimes change the timings depending on the nature of work in their departments and availability of mess-room place.Remuneration is based on qualifications, experience, responsibility level and performance. All emoluments are paid at monthly intervals. Payment is effected either by cash or cheque or through direct credit to the employees’ personal bank account. It is strongly recommended that the employees open a bank account when they join the company.Employee retention is obviously important in organizations to keep the most talented people in the organization and avoid unwanted turnover. There exists a number of tactics which help QBL to retain employees. Employees are provided with financial incentives such as raises and bonuses and competitive benefit packages like healthcare and company vehicles are also offered. Furthermore, there is effective feedback and open communications between management and employees. All these encourage employees to remain within the organization for a maximum period of time.