加拿大作业代写 国际视野
Keywords:加拿大作业代写 国际视野

国际视野是一个被广泛研究和探索的课题。其中一个方面与文化和教育学的关系密切相关。本书还探讨了全球化如何影响幼儿教育和护理的影响。论文的三个主要方面是全球化、文化和教学。这篇文章将阐述游戏价值的重要性,以及西方模式如何看待游戏,以确保它仍然被纳入,并确保他们没有把游戏从孩子的课程中剔除。根据McDowall-Clark(2016)“全球化是现代经济体系和技术如何使贸易和金融市场在全球范围内运作”(第115页)。文化可以有几个不同的含义,因为每个人对什么是文化持有不同的看法。文化是关于将人们聚集在一起的信仰,人工制品,价值观和其他重要的东西,确保人们感觉属于这个群体(Smidt, 2006)。Alexander(2004)将教育学定义为“一个人需要知道什么,需要掌握什么技能,以便做出和证明构成教学的许多不同类型的决定”。主要的主题是关于玩耍、质量和儿童权利以及如何看待儿童。
加拿大作业代写 国际视野
International perspectives are a greatly researched and widely explored topic. One aspect that engages closely with the relationship between culture and pedagogy. Also explored throughout is the implications of how globalisation can affect early childhood education and care. The three main aspects of the essay will be looking globalisation, culture and pedagogy. This essay will address the importance of the value of play and how the western model view play to make sure it is still incorporated and that they are not taking play out of a child’s curriculum. According to McDowall-Clark (2016) “Globalisation is how modern economic systems and technology enable trade and the financial markets to operate on a global scale” (p.115). Culture can have several different meanings as everyone holds different views on what culture is believed to be. Culture is about what groups people together the beliefs, artefacts, the values and other things that are of an importance making sure that the people feel a sense of belonging to the group (Smidt, 2006). Alexander (2004) defines pedagogy as “what one needs to know, and the skills one needs to command, in order to make and justify the many different kinds of decisions of which teaching is constituted”. The key themes will look at play, quality and the rights of the child and how the child is viewed.