加拿大商科作业代写 西方经济理性主义
Keywords:加拿大商科作业代写 西方经济理性主义

加拿大商科作业代写 西方经济理性主义
According to Aspects of Economic Rationalism in the West, the author Bendix Richard discusses the relationship between ideological and the emergence of the market society. In this piece of work Bendix elaborates on Weber’s arguments from the book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism in which Weber states that “Puritan ideas had influenced development of capitalism”. (Bendix 50) From the point of view of Weber, the worldview of people within a market society followed the protestant etic of work that was that one’s afterlife is already determined by God if they either enter hell or heaven. Even tough people already had knowledge that there afterlife was already determined, they still wanted to make sure it was a good one and the concept of predestination made them work harder since that was a sign that convinced people one was chosen for this destination and would go to heaven. Believers of Calvinism believed that “men exist for the sake of god,” soon this “eliminated all magical means of attaining salvation” which led them to no longer see the importance in working harder to be Gods chosen ones. (Bendix 58,60) This new mindset led to the rise of capitalism and people began to work hard just for the sake of working hard. The spirit of capitalism is a secularized form of Protestant work ethic and the ideological conditions play a significant role in emerging the market society; since workers did not work for their own enjoyment and pleasure, but rather they considered work as something or a duty they had to complete each day for a better life and a strong future.
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