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1998年极品直接挑战上议院的作用和他们的宪法地位。该法案包含了到欧洲人权公约英国法律。第六条的规定,“每个人都享有公平、公开听证会在一个合理的时间内由一个独立和公正的法庭设立的法律。”[3]Gomien所指出的,“原则基础的独立和公正条款第六条(1)是三权分立,但无论是公约本身还是公约机关规定的手段这一要求应满足。“[iv]事实上,对于McGonnell v联合王国(1998年),欧洲人权委员会决定,有违反第六条的要求当一个法院听证会上格恩西岛被格恩西岛的法警主持。上议院法官因此似乎违反了这篇文章,因为它们是不可分割的立法以及司法系统的一部分,和,因此,没有有效的分权保证公正审判规定。弗林德斯指出,进入英国法律的公司“创造了一种紧迫感”需要改革上议院的宪法地位。这迫切需要改革的体现宪法地位的《盗梦空间》是宪法改革法案。,这成为了2006年宪法改革法案,主张从议会上议院的物理去除身体和宪法,建立独立的最高法院的上议院可以坐。最高法院的成员将被任命一个新的独立的司法任命委员会,进一步增强了司法的独立和分离的其他分支的状态。可以看到,1998年极品是如何从根本上影响了上议院的宪法地位。
The HRA 1998 directly challenged the role of the Law Lords and their constitutional position. The Act incorporates into English law the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 6 of this stipulates that “everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.”[iii] As Gomien has pointed out, the “principle underlying the independence and impartiality clause of Article 6(1) is the separation of powers, but neither the Convention itself nor the Convention organs dictate the means by which this requirement should be met.”[iv] Indeed, in the case of McGonnell v United Kingdom (1998), the European Commission on Human Rights decided that there was a breach of the requirement of Article 6 when a Court hearing in Guernsey was presided over by the Bailiff of Guernsey. The Law Lords would thus appear to be in violation of this Article, as they are an integral part of the legislature as well as the judiciary, and there is, therefore, no effective separation of powers guaranteeing the fair trial prescribed herein. As Flinders points out, the incorporation of this into English law “created a sense of urgency” in the need for reform of the Law Lords’ constitutional position.The manifestation of this urgent need to reform the constitutional position was the inception of the Constitutional Reform Bill. This, which became the Constitutional Reform Act 2006, advocates the physical removal of the Law Lords from Parliament and the establishment of a physically and constitutionally separate Supreme Court in which the Law Lords can sit. The members of the Supreme Court will be appointed by a new independent Judicial Appointments Committee, which further enhances the judiciary’s independence and separation from the other branches of the state. One can see, then, how the HRA 1998 has fundamentally affected the constitutional position of the Law Lords.

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