Economics Essay 代写:信用风险
Keywords: Economics Essay 代写

Economics Essay 代写:信用风险
The traditional credit risk or the lending risk is mainly about the failure of paying certain amount of money back because of the insolvency. The counterparty risk or the default risk also arises from the failure of the contractual obligations but originals of the counterparty risk are over-the-counter (OTC) securities and derivatives (Seyoum, 2009). The counterparty risk is considered to be the key financial risk, especially after the financial crisis since 2007, that a counter party in the transaction will default prior to the expiration of the trade, and no guarantee for the future payment or profit. Uncertainty and bilateral potential loss are two characters of the counterparty risk (Gregory, 2010, p.16). The counterparty risk or the default risk is seen as one composition of the credit risk. The other composition of credit risk is the spread risk or the downgrade risk, or the market risk (Basel II). The spread risk arises from the reduction in the value of financial instruments as a result of credit rating downgrade. But when talking about credit risk, it is mainly the default risk.