History Essay代写:性别观念
Keywords:History Essay代写

这些性别观念渗透到君主观念中。在她自己的权利中,一个女性君主作为统治者的可能性是前所未有的,但是这种可能性在玛丽继承的时候变成了一种强迫的现实。爱德华的设备如何显示婴儿男性比女性君主;事实上,几乎任何其他的可能性是首选。约翰·诺克斯,著名的为他的曾经批判写作玛丽一世时期指出,“促进妇女对男人很讨厌头自然都相反,为神所认可的”[ 4 ]。对女性的统治思想,不仅强调了宗教或批评,但也由君主的作品。“王子的镜子”作为统治者手册,阐述了统治者应该如何行事,引导他们通过他们的时间作为君主。然而,这些统治的指示是“男人写的,男人,并充满了典型的男性属性,如力量和美德”[ 5 ],没有地方为女性君主。鉴于这些长期存在的根深蒂固的态度,“男人和女人”[ 6 ]看起来几乎不可避免的,女王的地位被批评各自的角色。 当女王的地位遇到了它发现自己到了许多不同的形式。而王权的出现是一个恒定和连续的统治者,一个女君主发现自己进入统治的一个子类。女性可以以不同的方式为:女王统治的女王,王后,或太后。所有这些头衔具有不同的权力和地位,并在建立女王的权威是重要的。Queen Consorts行使统治权力,并召开部分明显劣于国王,”他们进行政治责任与他们或担任临时代表”[ 7 ]。而摄政女王统治作为一个站在他们幼小的继承人,只有持有临时电源直到孩子能够做出自己的决定。这些类型的女王仍然听命与国王的命令和影响下。
History Essay代写:性别观念
These ideas of gender permeated into ideas of monarchy. The possibility of a female monarch as a ruler in her own right was unprecedented; however this possibility became a forced reality at the time of Mary I’s succession. Edward’s device showed how infant males were preferable to female monarchs; in fact almost any other possibility was preferred. John Knox, famous for his ever-critical writing on Mary I’s reign states that “to promote a women head over men is repugnant to nature and a thing most contrary to that order which God hath approved”[4]. The ideas against female rule were not just emphasised by religion or by critics, but also by Monarchic writings. ‘Mirrors for Princes’ acted as a ruler handbook, laying out how a ruler should act and guiding them through their time as monarch. However, these instructions for reign were “written by men, for men, and were full of characteristically male attributes such as strength and virtue”[5], leaving no place for a female monarch. Given these long-standing and deep rooted attitudes towards the “respective roles of men and women”[6] it seemed almost inevitable that Queenship was criticised.
When Queenship was encountered it found itself arriving in many different forms. While Kingship appeared to be a constant and continuous post of ruler, a female monarch would find herself put into a sub-category of rulership. A female could be queen in different ways as: regnant queen, queen consort, or dowager. All of these titles possessed different power and status and were important in establishing the authority of the queen. Queen Consorts exercised partial rulership and held power that was significantly inferior to the Kings, “they performed political duties alongside them or acted as their temporary representatives”[7]. While regent queens ruled as a stand-in for their infant heirs, only holding temporary power until the child was able to make their own decisions. These types of Queen remained answerable and under order and influence of the King.