加拿大人文社科代写 亚里士多德
Keywords:加拿大人文社科代写 亚里士多德

亚里士多德发展了从他的时代到现在在逻辑推理中使用的规则,这是在每一个数学、科学和哲学学科中不断使用的得出结论的基本形式。很明显,亚里士多德希望教育是通过理性进行的,让学生在教育中扮演积极的角色。就像我之前说的,亚里士多德说“任何我们必须学会我们学习的实际做…(后收录于《书写与差异亚里士多德Niconachean伦理,书二世)这也涉及到从我的研究很明显,蒙特梭利蒙特梭利环境中孩子通过与天然材料从实践中学习。奈尔·诺丁斯的发现和理论与柏拉图、亚里士多德等人的发现和理论相比是相当现代的,她的工作可以应用于现代媒体中的伦理推理。Nel Noddings(1993)指出,道德教育是一项全社会范围内的事业,而不是一项专门留给家庭、教堂或学校的任务。此外,它对我们有双重意义。它指教育是道德,那些计划和执行教育将努力满足所有涉及其中的人道德指的是和教育,加强道德理想的接受教育,这样他们将会继续满足他人道德(根据点头点头:1995)方面,阐述了在现代道德教育时,其根源可以追溯到亚里士多德。他还指出,“亚里士多德伦理学的最大优点在于它与日常生活的联系。”亚里士多德还探讨了所有人类在实际生活中所关心的问题。柏拉图的道德教育理论是以戏剧化的、对话的形式来表达的,这种形式包含了寓言和明喻,例如洞穴、太阳和分界线。正如我之前在这篇论文中指出的,亚里士多德是第一个把伦理学作为一门学科来写的哲学家。尽管苏格拉底是第一个道德哲学家,但他从未阐明或写下他的任何思想。
加拿大人文社科代写 亚里士多德
Aristotle developed rules that have been used from his time to the present in logical reasoning, a basic form of reaching conclusions that is constantly used in every mathematical, scientific and philosophical discipline. It is clear that Aristotle wanted education to be done through reason and for students to have an active role in their education. Like I stated before that Aristotle stated “Anything that we have to learn to do we learn by the actual doing of it… (Aristotle Niconachean Ethics, Book II, p.91) this also relates to Montessori from my studies it is clear that in Montessori environment children learn from doing by working with natural materials. Nel Noddings findings and theories are fairly modern compared to those such as Plato and Aristotle, and her work can be applied to the ethical reasoning in modern media. Nel Noddings (1993) stated that moral education is a community-wide enterprise and not a task exclusively reserved for home, church or school. Furthermore, it has for us a dual meaning. It refers to education which is moral in the sense that those planning and conducting education will strive to meet all those involved morally and it refers to and education that will enhance the ethical ideal of those being educated so that they will continue to meet others morally (Noddings, N. 1995) according to Noddings when moral education is discussed in modern day terms, its roots can always be traced to Aristotle. Nodding also states that “the great merit of Aristotle’s ethics is its connection to everyday, real life. Aristotle also addressed questions of concern to all human beings in the actual conduct of their lives.Plato’s theory of moral education is delivered in a dramatic, dialogue format which in terms of allegories and similes for example the cave, the sun and the divided line.As I indicated before in this paper, Aristotle was the first philosopher to write a treatise on ethics as a discipline. Even though Socrates was the first moral philosopher, he never formulated, or wrote down, any of his ideas.