
Critical thinking, innovation and creativity characterize my approach to tasks. I possess an exceptional ability to fashion out revolutionary ideas that have immense potential if they are acted on. Despite this astute ability however, getting others to commit to my ideas has to an extent been a challenge during team working sessions. Introverted by nature, I have thrived on working independently but I now understand the need to adopt a more flexible approach when working as part of a team. Flexibility here doesn't imply any sacrifice to quality, it is being used in the context of active participation, with a tint of assertiveness and charisma. I need to seize the initiative, speak up and exert more influence in my immediate circle.Confidence is a trait I have learnt to harness. I constantly motivate myself to gun for the top, refusing to accept mediocre results. This dogged and unflinching attitude has very often been the defining factor between success or failure for me. By drawing on my prior successes I maintain a positive outlook and constantly drive myself to attain higher levels of accomplishment. Whilst this is laudable, the mannerisms I project (consciously or unconsciously) must in no way be egotistical or appear domineering.Very significantly I have come to see the correlation between literature on managerial styles and actual effectiveness in practice. By reflecting on my workplace experiences I have consciously identified specific managerial traits to imbibe in the context of my future in a managerial position. As mentioned earlier, my approach to managing people and resources must empower and harness potentials rather than terrorize and intimidate. The work culture I create should also encourage participation and incorporate an effective rewards system; this undoubtedly will gain their commitment towards the objectives of the enterprise.