
The chapter readings for week six gave me a better sense of self-involvement in learning. Whereas the tone of week five reading was on the role of facilitation in the learning process; the implications in the statement of one being personally involved in learning was spoken loud and clear throughout week six chapters. In reflecting on the theories and principles of transformative learning I can say that one of the enlightenments that I take away is through the means that transformative learning, one's internal and external awareness is enhanced within that transformative learning experience. What I mean by that is, I learned that learning is more than just sitting in a room assimilating data. Cohen points out, that when one embodies the learning the learning experience, there is an opportunity created where any portion of the information being received can connect with meaning that initiates one's conscious awareness that brings about a reflective moment which ushers in a revelation of one's higher self. Transparently speaking, this reading brought up some thoughts that I had not previously considered. Consequently, these three eye-opening chapters demand a deeper review and reflection on my part, if for nothing else than for the sake of growth through perspective changing and social enlightenment, which is the message I felt the writer was conveying within these three chapters.