
在我在何种程度上自己的位置循证实践告诉我们的儿童和儿童生活的理解,读了两本书,看了,在细节,在循证实践模块中迄今为止给出的例子,很明显的是,循证实践是处理旨在提高儿童年轻人的生活活动的唯一方式;这部分人口需要被倾听、研究,作为研究项目的一部分,而不是仅仅作为一种现象进行研究,以使他们的意见和想法被纳入在手的发展。只有这样,才能以证据为基础的实践发展,告知我们了解儿童和儿童的生活。证据为基础的做法,一个完全有效的工具,以确保最新的,最新的方法,利用最有效的方法可能,只有在有效地进行了研究本身。 这意味着,如果研究涉及儿童和年轻人,然后孩子们和年轻人应该积极咨询以获得一个有效的和无偏的图片的生活,这些个人意见的现实;没有积极协商,并参与研究过程,儿童和年轻人,任何循证实践结果将是无效的,因为它会假设一个外推,没有更多的。因此,对我来说,以证据为基础的实践只能告知我们了解童年和儿童的生活,如果已经进行的研究,以告知这种循证实践从事儿童和青少年的过程中。
In terms of my own position on the extent to which evidence-based practice informs our understanding of childhood and children’s lives, having read the two books and having looked, in detail, at the examples of evidence-based practice given in the module so far, it is obvious that evidence-based practice is the only way to deal with initiatives aimed at enhancing the lives of children and young people; this sector of the population needs to be listened to, and researched, as part of the research project, not simply as a phenomena to be researched, in order that their opinions and ideas be incorporated in to the developments in hand. Only in this way can evidence-based practice be developed which informs our understanding of childhood and children’s lives. Evidence-based practice, a wholly effective tool, ensuring that current, up-to-date, methods are utilised in the most effective way possible, can only be effective if the research itself has been conducted effectively.
This means that if the research concerns children and young people, then children and young people should be actively consulted in order to gain a valid and unbiased picture of the reality of the lives and opinions of these individuals; without this active consultation, and engagement with, children and young people in the research process, any evidence-based practice that results would not be valid, as it would be an extrapolation of hypotheses, nothing more. Thus, for me, evidence-based practice can only inform our understanding of childhood and children’s lives if the research that has been conducted to inform this evidence-based practice has engaged children and young people in the process.