
My first key text is 'Current trends in educational technology research: The study of learning environments' by Winn, W (2008) this book sees this distinction as evolutionary, in that today's VLE's have grown out of carefully designed instruction and interactive simulations. From a psychological standpoint, earlier computer assisted learning sat well with Piagetian behaviorist perspectives, whereas the utilisation of networked communication tools place VLE's more comfortably within a Vygotskian view of the social nature of learning Vygotsky's theory is divided into 6 main strategies, which can be used in the process of learning at school. One way of teaching is by using children's zone of proximal development. Teaching should begin toward the zone's upper limit, so that the child can reach the goal with help and move to a higher level of skill and knowledge. Enough assistance should be offered. The question "What can I do to help you?" has to be asked, or simply the child's intentions and attempts should be observed, so that the child can get enough support in a smooth way. When children hesitate, they have to be offered encouragement. Encouragement should be offered in such a way that the child can practice their skill. Another teaching strategy is to use more skilled peers as teachers. It is important to remember though that teachers can be more skilled than children. The third strategy is to monitor and encourage children's use of private speech. The fourth strategy is to effectively assess the child's zone of proximal development. Standardised tests are not the best way to assess children's learning. Another good strategy is to place instruction in a meaningful context. This means to use less abstract presentations of material but to let students experience more real world setting. The last strategy is to transform the classroom with Vygotskian ideas. I believe this theory plays a major part in the production of VLE's content because just having a VLE is not suffice, the knowledge of how to mould children around a VLE is of most importance therefore Vygotsky's theory needs to be assessed also.Winn (2008) also shows the emphasis on a social constructivist paradigm common to much work on VLE's. The more traditional emphasis is perhaps clearer within Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS), which provide the ability to store, assemble and deliver personalised learning content in the form of learning objects, and this understanding might perhaps underpin the attention given to personalised content and adaptive learning design apparent in some of Becta's (2009) functional requirements for learning platforms