patients were initially entered into the study and finally 95% took part in the trial. All patients were treated and followed up in the trial group they were initially allocated. While most of the patients returned the initial satisfaction questionnaire, only about 60 percent of these patients returned the follow-up questionnaire that was posted to them a month later. Appropriate statistical methods were used and have been described in details in the manuscript. Only data from patients assigned to their original group were compared using the statistical analysis (Milton Keynes Primary Care Trust, 2002).The follow up was done identically in both the control as well as in the experimental group. The follow up questionnaires were posted to the patient 1 month after they received treatment for their minor injuries at the Accident and Emergency department. It focused on issues like the time the patients recovered from the injury, what extent and frequency of pain did they have following the treatment, where there any symptoms, how long were they off from work or did they have any unplanned follow up of their injury. The follow up was designed accurately (Gerrish and Lacey, 2006) to yield result sought by the researchers.