
One could make this sort of comment about any item of equipment - Fletcher (2006) states that "with technology, the problem is never with the device, but how it is applied." Another of the difficulties that have been expressed with the IWB is the cost that is involved with not only the initial set up costs but also that of training teachers to use it effectively. However there is a body of evidence, mostly anecdotal (as quantitative research on the effectiveness of IWBs is scarce) which indicates that using IWBs increases the students' ability and willingness to become engaged with the subject that is being studied and each other (O'Hanlon, 2007); apparent increases in levels of engagement and participation alongside improvements in overall performance in the classroom would seem to justify the costs entirely. Wegerif and Dawes (2004) contend that computers [which are inclusive of IWBs] "... can stimulate and direct learning dialogues in such a way as to achieve curriculum learning goals" if there is a balance between teacher input and the technology itself. Abstract concepts like, for example, the triangle in maths are given concrete form for children through the use of this media due to the way that onscreen pictures can be manipulated and drawn on to illustrate the shape on which the class are concentrating with merely the use of their finger (Starkman, 2006).The IWB enables a positive learning environment to be created where all can be involved (Wegerif and Dawes, 2004) and allows for the teachers and the learners to construct new teaching and learning strategies that work for them and the group as a whole (Beachamp and Parkinson, 2005). The beauty of IWBs is that they are able to "... support different learning styles" and the students respond them as "it increases their enjoyment by being physically involved touching and moving objects and by the size of the screen which makes images large enough for all to see" (Preston and Mowbray, 2008). IWBs encourage motivation through involvement as "a teacher and student can interact with the interactive whiteboard at the front of the class and the rest of the students can remain involved" (SMART, 2006). Latham (2002) discovered that the majority of teachers felt that the boards offered them greater opportunity to develop interactive strategies and that others believed that all students were better able to engage in lessons due to the use of IWBs; Cox et al (2003) went one stage further in suggesting that the boards allow the teachers to gain a greater appreciation of student needs through their use. It is through that appreciation and thoughtful planning that students are enabled to derive the most benefit from the technology.