
Analysis of NPE emphasises on teachers which teachers must study and interpret its contents in various factors such as religious, social, political, economy and so on. Moreover, teachers have to understand programs with the aims carefully one by one to fulfil nation's aspiration to produce good quality of student. Analysis of NPE consists of number of elements which is really crucial to be implemented for both teacher and also students. First element is education is an on-going effort that acquiring and transferring knowledge skills and noble values. Secondly is about development of individual potentials which emphasise on talents and potentials that should be nurtured and developed. Last but not least, elements about producing knowledgeable Malaysian citizens who are balanced and harmonic being. It can be done through JERIS (physically, emotionally, spiritually, emotionally and socially) by giving full love for knowledge and be open-minded. Other elements like holistic and integrated development, balanced and harmonic, belief and obedience to god and produce knowledgeable and competent Malaysian citizenz.Oxford dictionary defines curriculum as the subjects that are being taught comprises a course of study in a school or college. In spite of, curriculum covers all the experiences which include tasks that were taken from young age until the old age. Malaysia primary education context, primary curriculum had faced many changes in order to accomplish the mission and goals of national curriculum. Old Primary School Curriculum (KLSR), New Primary School Curriculum (KBSR), Integrated Primary School Curriculum (KBSR) and Standard Primary School Curriculum (KSSR) are the great examples of these changes.