
引进新的教育政策应主要是针对个人和学术发展,并最终为所有人提供更公平的教育制度。然而,英国教育和技能(王凯)(2006)指出,教育服务的影响并不总是能够满足个人需求的多年来不成比例的影响尤其是组BME的年轻人,这是每个孩子都很重要(ECM)认可的咨询文件,因为它声称:“……一些BME组织的青少年在成长过程中比其他人面临更大的挑战。在几乎所有的社会排斥措施中,少数民族人口的比例都过高(ODPM, 2003),而且少数民族的社会经济地位低下与低教育程度密切相关,这一事实加剧了对BME年轻人服务质量差的影响。这反过来又影响了他们获得就业的前景,而就业又往往导致他们陷入犯罪的生活。特别是非洲加勒比青年在刑事司法制度的每个阶段都有过多的代表(Graham在Sallah和Howson, 2007年,第176页)。有人可能会说,事实上,教育系统系统地确保了黑人年轻人不会成功(Richardson, 2006)。这并不奇怪,因为人们也承认,英国的教育体系也辜负或降低了穷人和白人工人阶级的期望(休厄尔,1997)。这一点尤其重要,贫穷的成就者在穷人和弱势群体中最为明显。例如,高社会经济群体似乎可以通过排行榜更好地了解和理解学校的表现(West and Pennell, 1999)。无论家长是否根据这些信息采取行动,是否为孩子选择上最好的学校,在提高标准的策略和减少不平等的政策之间都存在明显的矛盾。社会经济背景也与学校质量和学生通过同伴群体的表现有关。例如,在一所几乎没有来自较低社会经济群体的孩子的学校上学,在学术上是非常有益的(Feinstein, 2003)。如果家长的选择导致了学校间更大的社会经济隔离,这种同伴群体效应可能会进一步加强社会排斥。
The introduction of new educational policies should primarily be to address personal and academic development and ultimately provide a more equitable education system for all. However, the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) (2006) stated that the impact of educational services not always able to meet individual needs' has over the years disproportionately affected particularly groups of BME young people, which is recognised in the Every Child Matters (ECM) consultation paper, as it asserts that: '...teenagers from some BME groups face greater challenges than others in growing up' (Youth Matters: Green Paper. 2005:13). The impact of poor service delivery to BME young people is compounded by the fact that minority ethnic population is over represented in almost all measures of social exclusion (ODPM, 2003) and their poor socio-economic position is closely associated with low educational attainment. This in turn impacts on their prospects to gain employment which in turn often results in being drawn into a life of crime. African Caribbean young men in particular are over represented at every stage of the criminal justice system (Graham in Sallah and Howson, 2007, p 176). One could argue that in fact the education system has systematically ensured that Black young people do not succeed (Richardson, 2006). This is not surprising as it has also been acknowledged that the British education system has also failed or lowered the aspirations of the poor and or White working class people (Sewell, 1997). This is particularly important in that, poor achievers are most obvious amongst the poor and disadvantaged. For example, high socio-economic groups appear to have better information on, and understanding of school performance, via league tables (West and Pennell, 1999). Whether parents act on this information, choosing for their children to attend the best schools, then there is a clear tension between strategies to raise standards and policies to reduce inequality. Socio-economic background also relates to school quality and pupil performance via peer groups. For example, attending a school with very few children from lower socio-economic groups is highly beneficial academically speaking (Feinstein, 2003). If parental choice leads to greater socio-economic segregation across schools, such peer group effects may further reinforce social exclusion.