多伦多论文代写 社会理想问题

多伦多论文代写 社会理想问题
A questionnaire was used to collect participants’ information concerning online dating. The questionnaire contained eight assessment items including height and weight, which are two of the socially desirable attributes, and could be measured by the formula of BMI (see, Appendix E for example of BMI formula). Items were used to assess participants’ willingness to give their information in context of online dating and whether their personal information was given according to socially desirable standards. The independent variable was the bogus pipeline informing that participants’ that their personal information would be verified after they complete the questionnaire. Height and weight were used as dependent variables. By calculating BMIs, the researcher could estimate the causal relationship between online daters’ tendency to disclose themselves and the consciousness of information verification (see, Appendix A for a copy of the questionnaire and Appendix E for BMI formula).