
这张图表显示了酒精的供求关系。酒精价格变化很小,需求量变化很大。当酒精饮料价格为P1时,酒精市场的均衡点为E1。但是,如果酒的价格像P2一样稍高,那么需求量就会像Q2一样大幅下降。因此,供给曲线向左移动为S2。平衡点变成E2。相反,如果酒的价格稍低,如P3,则需求量会在第三季度大幅增加。因此,供给曲线向右移动,成为S3。平衡点变成E3。最低限价是一种以最高限价来弥补市场不利影响的价格控制制度。一个国家的社会公正和福利也需要这些制度。政府可以设定一个最低价格,禁止政府销售低于固定价格的商品和服务。最低价格是一种保护生产者和工人的制度。价格下限必须高于均衡价格才能有效。最低价格的代表性例子是1999年4月由工党政府引入的农业市场价格下限和最低工资(Sloman, Wride和Garratt, 298)。其中,最低工资就是最低价格的一个很好的例子。劳动力市场的平衡点是e,因此,工资和劳动力的平衡点是W0和L0。如果最低工资设定为W1,工资从W0增加到W1。如果是这样,劳动力供给从L0增长到L2,而劳动力需求从L0下降到L1,就业人数也随着L0L1下降。因此,引入最低工资会造成L0L1这样的非自愿失业和a +B这样的社会福利损失。因此,最低工资可以提高劳动工资,但也会导致失业和社会福利。
This chart showed that supply and demand of alcohol. Small change in price of alcohol, bigger change in quantity demanded. When the price of alcoholic beverage is P1, the equilibrium point in the alcohol market is E1. However, if the price of alcohol is little higher as P2, quantity of demand is largely decreased as Q2. Therefore, supply curve shift to left as S2. And the equilibrium point became E2. In contrast, if the price of alcohol is little lower as P3, quantity of demand is largely increased as Q3. Therefore, supply curve shift to right as S3. And the equilibrium point became E3.Minimum Prices is price control system with Maximum Prices in order to complement the adverse effects of a market. The systems are also needed for social justice and welfare in a country. The Government can set a minimum price to ban selling commodities and services below fixed price floor by the government. A minimum price is a system to protect producers and workers. The price floor has to be set above the equilibrium price to be effective. The representative examples of minimum prices are setting price floor in agricultural markets and minimum wages introduced by the Labour Government in April 1999 (Sloman, Wride and Garratt, 298). Among them, the minimum wages is good example of minimum prices.The equilibrium point of the labour market is E. Therefore, the equilibrium wage and labour is W0 and L0. If the minimum wage set at W1, the wages increase W0 to W1. If so, the supply of labour grow L0 to L2, but the demand of labour decrease L0 to L1 and the number of job declines as L0L1.Thus, a involuntary unemployment as L0L1 and social welfare loss as A+B caused by the introduction of minimum wages. Consequently, the minimum wage can rise wage of labour, but it also cause unemployment and social welfare.