
作为一项研究领域的田园生活在美国历史上一直备受争议,最近一篇关于Biddle和Azano(2016)的“乡村学校问题”的文献综述,在一定程度上是关于农村地区作为一个研究领域的思考的演变。这些作者发现,在过去的100年里,研究人员、教育工作者和改革家都将注意力集中在农村地区。绿色和Corbett(2015)认为当前农村研究的必要性,写作,“(dis)优势的问题在这里至关重要。”考虑到空间与公平、教育与贫穷、识字和社会正义之间的关系,显然是一种紧迫的问题。在这些条件下,解决农村问题是至关重要的”(p . 5)。这种描述源于长期以来对农村人的刻板印象和侮辱。从19世纪开始,出版物就谈到了乡村生活和人们的“落后”,同时倡导城市生活的复杂性(Theobold & Wood,2010)。田园生活在现代的电视节目中,如我的“大胖子”婚礼或我的名字“厄尔”,这种缺乏教育和成熟的农村人的观念仍然存在。认识到农村文化的复杂性、面对和批判地审视刻板印象,以及在全球化的世界里概念化农村文学,对于农村地区的可持续性和农村作为一个研究领域来说是很重要的。
Rurality as a field of study has been debated throughout United States history, and a recent literature review of the "rural school problem" by Biddle and Azano (2016) documents, in part, the evolution of thinking around rurality as a field of study. These authors found that researchers, educators, and reformers have fluctuated in their focus on rurality as a field of study over the past 100 years. Green and Corbett (2015) argue for the current imperative for rural studies, writing, "The question of (dis)advantage is crucial here. Thinking through the relations between space and equity, education and poverty, literacy and social justice, is clearly a matter of some urgency. Addressing the rural in these terms is crucial" (p. 5).Rurality is often characterized as the other, different from the norm. This characterization stems from a long history of stereotyping and stigmatizing of rural peoples. Beginning in the 19th Century, publications spoke of the "backwardness" of rural life and people while advocating for the sophistication of city life (Theobold & Wood, 2010). This idea of rural people as lacking education and sophistication continues to be seen in modern television shows like My Big Fat Redneck Wedding or My Name is Earl. Recognizing the complexity of rurality, confronting and critically examining stereotypes, and conceptualizing rural literacies in a globalized world is important for the sustainability of rural places and for rurality as a field of study.