
频繁的师生接触是学生学习动机和参与的最重要因素。教师关心帮助学生度过艰难时期并继续工作。了解一些教师提高学生知识的承诺,并鼓励他们去思考自己的价值观和未来的计划,组织对重要主题,这些主题的新生研讨会将由资深教师授课,这有助于建立新的高中学生,在许多高校教师之间的早期联系。教师在他们专业领域以外的课程中领导讨论小组,为学生做一个学习者意味着什么。(亚瑟和泽尔达,1987)留学生论文代写:频繁的师生接触. 在麻省理工学院的本科生研究机会计划中,近四名本科生中有三人在近几年中作为四年级的研究人员加入了四分之三的教师队伍。在辛克莱社区学院,“无围墙大学”的学生通过学习合同进行学习。每个学生都创建了一个“资源小组”,其中包括一名教师、一名学生同伴和两名“社区资源”教员。这个小组提供支持和保证质量。
Frequent student-faculty contact in and out of classes is the most important factor in student motivation and involvement. Faculty concern helps students get through rough times and keep on working. Knowing a few faculty members well enhances students' intellectual commitment and encourages them to think about their own values and future plans.Organizing seminars for freshmen on important topics and these topics will be taught by senior faculty members, this helps in establishing an early connection between the fresh and senior students and the faculty in many colleges and universities. Faculty members who lead discussion groups in courses outside their fields of specialization model for students what it means to be a learner. (Arthur & Zelda, 1987) In the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, three out of four undergraduates have joined three-quarters of the faculty as junior research colleagues in recent years. At Sinclair Community College, students in the "College without Walls" program have pursued studies through learning contracts. Each student has created a "resource group,' which includes a faculty member, a student peer, and two "community resource" faculty members. This group then provides support and assures quality