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在1947独立时,新出生的巴基斯坦政府继承了英国统治下的统一印度政府的概念化的教育和行政体制。然而,当时的国家教育简介极低,参与率小学为19%,识字率仅为13%,教育完全可用的预算是3000万卢比(萌:教育发展1993:2)。同样,高等教育状况也不稳定,因为巴基斯坦在1947只继承了2所大学。其中之一是在英国统治印度期间成立于1882的一所完全建立和功能的大学(即旁遮普大学)。这所大学是更多或更少,在印度Bombay大学的模式,加尔各答,马德拉斯,分别成立于1857在伦敦的大学模式(chinnappa 1988:74)。其他机构是信德大学(视为巴基斯坦第二古老的大学)成立于1946年前只是一个独立但未进行适当的功能独立时(该1996:139)。有,然而,17所职业院校(4农业;1医疗;4工程;1畜牧业;3法;3教育;1胫骨(医学相关术语)或替代医学学院)和42个非专业的院校(艺术、科学和商业)包括5个女子大学(教育部:教育政策1986:18;审查和经济调查1993-94:189)。由于这种惨淡的现状,试图谈论整个教育系统的需求和愿望的国家后就开始独立在巴基斯坦教育研讨会于11月27日1947 1december阿扎姆穆罕默德阿里清真寺-巴基斯坦的建国之父的指示下卡拉奇举行。奠定了巴基斯坦的教育政策的大致轮廓,Jinnah先生强调,
At the time of Independence, in 1947, the newly born Government of Pakistan inherited a conceptualized system of education and administrative setup from the united Indian Government under the British rule. However, during that time the educational profile of the country was extremely low, as participation rate at primary level was 19%, the literacy rate was only 13% the totally available budget for education was Rs. 30 million (MoE: Educational Development 1993:2). Likewise, the situation of higher education was also unstable as Pakistan inherited only 2 universities in 1947. Among them one was a fully established and functional university (i.e. The University of the Punjab) which was established in 1882 during the British rule in India. This university functioned more or less on the pattern of the Indian Universities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, which were founded in 1857 on the pattern of London University (Chinnappa 1988:74). The other institution was the University of Sindh (regarded as the second oldest university in Pakistan) established in 1946 just a year prior to the independence but was not properly functional at the time of Independence (Khawaja 1996:139). There were, however, 17 professional colleges (4 Agriculture; 1 Medical; 4 Engineering; 1 Animal Husbandry; 3 Law; 3 Education; and 1 Tibbia(Medical related term) or Alternative medicine college) and 42 non-professional colleges (Arts, Science and Commerce) including 5 colleges for women (MoE: Review of Education Policies 1986:18; MoF: Economic Survey 1993-94:189).Due to this dismal situation, attempts to speak about the entire educational system up to the needs and aspirations of the country started right after the independence when All Pakistan Educational Conference was held in Karachi from 27 November to 1December 1947 under the directives of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah - the Founding Father of Pakistan. Laying out the broad contours of Pakistan's education policy, Mr. Jinnah emphasized that

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