
“第一次和第二次世界大战期间,德国新教领袖卢瑟的著作来支持对卢瑟诞辰第四百五十周年,德国民族主义的原因,下跌了纳粹党在1933开始夺权后仅仅几个月,庆祝活动由基督教和纳粹党在大规模的进行。。在Kö庆典;尼斯堡,Erich Koch,当时的东普鲁士的地方,做了一个演讲,他在其他事情上,阿道夫·希特勒与马丁·路德相比,声称纳粹曾与卢瑟精神。这样的言论可能被当作单纯的宣传,但是,正如Steigmann Gall指出的:“同时代的人认为科赫是一个真正的基督徒已经达到他的位置[如当选通过真诚的承诺,新教及其机构省级教会主教]总统。”即便如此,Steigmann Gall认为纳粹是不是基督教新教神学家卡尔·巴特运动的突出,1939年说,马丁·路德的作品被纳粹用来荣耀的国家和国家专制主义:“德国人民受到法律与圣经的关系他的错误下,世俗和精神力量”之间,其中卢瑟分时间状态从内在状态,聚焦我而在精神方面,从而限制了个人或教会的问题国家的行动的能力,它被看作是一个神命定的仪器”。
"During the First and Second World Wars, German Protestant leaders used the writings of Luther to support the cause of German nationalism On the 450th anniversary of Luther's birth, which fell only a few months after the Nazi Party began its seizure of power in 1933, celebrations were conducted on a large scale by both the Protestant Churches and the Nazi Party. .At a celebration in Königsberg, Erich Koch, at that time the Gauleiter of East Prussia, made a speech in which he, among other things, compared Adolf Hitler with Martin Luther and claimed that the Nazis fought with Luther's spirit. Such a speech might be dismissed as mere propaganda, but, as Steigmann-Gall points out: "Contemporaries regarded Koch as a bona fide Christian who had attained his position [as the elected president of a provincial Church synod] through a genuine commitment to Protestantism and its institutions." Even so, Steigmann-Gall states that the Nazis were not a Christian movement.the prominent Protestant theologian Karl Barth, in1939 stated that the writings of Martin Luther were used by the Nazis to glorify both the State and state absolutism: "The German people suffer under his error of the relationship between the law and the bible, between secular and spiritual power", in which Luther divided the temporal State from the inward state, focusing instead on spiritual matters, thus limiting the ability of the individual or the church to question the actions of the State, which was seen as a God-ordained instrument".