
In the fourth stanza, “Ten minutes later I dropped the mother. She flipflopped in the air and fell, her needle teeth still hooked in a leaf of early Swiss chard” (Kumin 8). Just a few minutes later, this was another brutal loss of life. The speakers thirst for blood seems to be increasing with the stanzas. “Another baby next. O one-two-three the murderer inside me rose up hard, the hawkeye killer came on stage forthwith” (Kumin 8). Now after reading this line it is very much crisp and clear that the speaker is a lot more angry and frustrated and is finding some forbidden pleasure with these vicious killings. The speaker seems to be sinking in the hatred and entering the world of vengeance and inhumanity. After reading the stanzas till this point it is also very clear that the speaker found some weird satisfaction from these killings. But the next forth coming stanzas mention the cost of this satisfaction in a more detailed manner. The final or the fifth stanza continues as follows. “There’s only one chuck left. Old wily fellow, he keeps me cocked and ready day after day after day. All night I hunt his humped-up form. I dream I sight along the barrel in my sleep” (Kumin 8). This total massacre planning and killing has drowned the speaker in thirst of blood, and this feeling stays with the killer no matter if he/she is sleeping, sitting, walking, running, conscious or unconscious. The last verse points out another weird psychological anomaly with the speaker. “If only they’d all consented to die unseen gassed underground the quit Nazi way.” This last line is a little awkward mixture of grief and murderous thoughts which are very rare. It more feels like for the speaker the killing of these woodchucks is more like a mundane task and there is no feeling of mercy. Also from this last line it is also clear that for the speaker the guilt has returned again now and he/she feels guilty again. But there is repetitive back and forth of the speaker’s feelings which are backed up by justifications and explanations which just proves the ironic effect of vengeance. And the entire justification and explanation boils down to woodchucks being at fault. It was a misfortune that occurred but it did bring a change in people’s thought process all over the world. To conclude, I still feel that there are people after the war, who still feels that violence is more effective approach.