
结果发现,男孩和女孩在开始认识数学方面的成就没有显着差异。这项研究得到了Lee和Lockheed的研究的支持,(1990)发现尼日利亚男孩和女孩的数学得分之间没有显着的性别差距,其他变量也被考虑在内。从Gallagher和Kaufman(2005)和Cleary(1992)的先前研究发现,在数学标准化考试中,女性的得分低于男性。这是因为男性通常花时间去做代数的练习,在空闲时间进行二次方程相比女学生。然而,他们的发现与Halimah和Noor Azina(nd)相反,他们的论文是关于性别差异的数学在马来西亚学习。他们的研究目的是从总体数学平均成绩以及数学主题和技能的主要内容领域,即分数和数字意义上考察性别差异;数据表示,分析和概率;几何和代数。从他们的发现来看,与数学成就性别的国际研究完全不同,女性在数学内容,数量,代数,数据三个方面比男性取得了较好的成绩。
showed that no significant difference in achievement between boys and girls as they start getting acquainted with mathematics. The researches were supported with the study by Lee and Lockheed, (1990) found that no significant gender gap between mathematics score of Nigerian boys and girls once other variables were taken into account. From the previous studies by Gallagher and Kaufman, (2005) and Cleary, (1992) found that females generally scored lower than males on standardized test of mathematics. It is because male usually spend their time with doing the exercises about algebra, and quadratic equation in their free time compared to the female students.However, their finding was opposed with Halimah and Noor Azina (n.d) that their paper is about Gender differences in mathematics learning in Malaysia. Their aim of study is to examines gender differentials in terms of the overall mathematics average achievement as well as the main content area of mathematics topics and skills, namely fraction and number sense; data representation, analysis and probability; geometry and algebra. From their finding was totally different from international researches among gender in mathematics achievement which is the female obtained better achievement compared to male in three areas of mathematics contents namely, number, algebra and data.