
Science has progressed so well today and far today that it can accept multi dimensional reality [viii] . The entire scientific community has been shocked by Quantum physics due to its contrary to normally held scientific theories [ix] . There are tests to measure and qualify the ability for ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) that is psychic. Such as, voices of spirits recorded on site of activity are being provided as evidence. This is called Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP’s). This is used to record voices that are made in the presence of ghosts. EVP’s are then used as evidence to prove the presence of ghosts. Shocking and startling facts have been revealed by people who have experienced supernatural bodily experiences. Usually people say that the first sensation of a presence is that the temperature around them drops considerably and it gets really cold. Various different kinds of sensitive machinery have been created by scientists to study this phenomenon. In fact, proofs have even been found in the form of photographs. For example, it is common to see pictures taken in a church or a shabby stairway where you can see a faint figure in the background or just dust in a picture. These faint figures are normally like a hand or maybe someone’s face or a whole entire body. Such an instance usually has an adverse affect on the person experiencing it and also in rare cases it affects the person seeing it. As stated earlier, we see that psychic people who posses Extrasensory Perception and ghosts do exist. It is evident that ghosts actually exist as if they did not, there would not be much controversy and high debate about them. EVP’s and video recordings that are genuine do prove the existence of ghosts. In some cases, these stories definitely cannot justify their existence. The proof is not enough. But, according to me the process of calling of ghosts should not be practised. This is morally wrong and also unethical at the same time. Spirits should be left at peace as we have no right to disturb them. To conclude, I feel that this practice should be banned and be conducted at all. There should be some legal action taken against the practice of the Ouija board. This might reduce instances of paranormal activity in the future.