
A lot of parents have the habit of paving the way that would grant successfulness for their children. These include house moving and become school volunteers to get their children admitted into a good school; send their children to enrichment classes and tuitions in hope that their children could pass standardized test with flying colours. Eventually, their children could get admitted into the university, studying a popular subject which promise good prospect. For most of the students, they bow to the reality at a very young age. Since young, under the influence of the media, friends, community, teacher, school and parents, they got the impression that only by doing well academically; they could have a bright future. If they find the subject or what was taught is not going to help give them promising future, even though they know that is their strength or they have passion on that, they would not pursue them. Students rather give up their passions than face failures.Civic and moral education (CME) is supposed to be the subject that helps students develops their characters and values. Good values, attitudes and characters could also be taught in other subjects; but character development and values education are not their emphasis. Recently, MOE has just completed revising the CME materials, which claim to be more interesting and could engage students more. However, a lot of people do not see the importance of the CME subject; probably because of it is not examinable. Many mother tongue teachers have experienced their CME classes being “hijacked” by the math and science teachers to rush for syllabuses or to prepare students for exams. The “hijacking” becomes more frequent especially when the exam period is approaching. School leaders are aware of that but turn a blind eye to it. This indirectly acknowledges that the schools are still more prone to grades-centric instead of values-centric. Thus, it is not surprising that students would have the perception that CME is the least important subject and they are less likely learn the subject by heart.