The negative effects of these games include both the physical as well as the behavioral effects on children. The effects concerned with physical health are obesity, video-induced seizures, postural disorders, muscular disorders and skeletal disorders, such as tendonitis, nerve compression, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The behavioral effects can be like the degradation of academic performances due to the increase in the amount of time spent on playing games. And moreover playing violent games leads to an increased physiological arousal, increased aggression and decreased social serving.It is a general and a well known fact that children learn by watching things. Even if children know these graphic games are not for real, it still has an impact on them in contrast with the reality. Children playing violent games exhibit measurable decreases in pro-social and helping behaviors and increases in aggressive thoughts and violent retaliation to provocation. Through playing these games, they act behaviorally abnormal due to the extensive exposures to the violent scripts causing increased feelings of hostility, expectations that others will behave aggressively, desensitization to the pain of others and increased likelihood of interacting and responding to others with violence. These violently designed computer and video games teach children that violence in the society is good and support that by awarding the players with points for their violent acts on the opponents. These effects are doubled even more when there is an addiction of children with these games. This issue has become a major threat to the society in view of many parent communities for the healthy growth of a child.