
新加坡是一个高度集中的教育体系和强有力的自上而下的决策方法的国家。在国家一级作出的改变往往难以在学校一级付诸实施。TLLM就是其中之一。Catherine Chua和Richard(2007)通过比较两所顶尖学校和两所中等学校的科学课程进行了研究。顶尖商学院似乎通过引入更多样化的课程,在课程安排上表现出了更大的灵活性。他们更加注重以研究为基础的、更高层次的思维技能,在基础知识之外获取知识。这符合商务部的倡议。中等学校也开始在其学校内推行和加强一些奖励方案,特别是对能力较差的学生。然而,一项重要的观察显示,课堂上所教授的主题并没有相应减少。相反,2005年分配给科学课程的课时增加了。他们还发现,与中等学校相比,顶级学校提供的课程更密集,更注重研究。通过引入更密集的课程和增加课时,无论是顶尖学校还是中等学校,实际上都没有将TLLM付诸实践。这些学校宁愿通过增加教学和增加课程来“安全”行事。这可能会对学校的气氛产生负面影响,因为老师将有更少的时间来准备、教学和与学生互动。教师迟早会对政府的举措产生抵触情绪。
Singapore is a country that adopts a highly centralised education system and a strong top-down approach in policy-making. Changes made at the national level often may be difficult to put into practice at the school level. TLLM is one of them. Catherine Chua and Richard (2007) did a study by comparing the science curriculum between two top schools and two mid-level schools. The top schools appear to exercise more flexibility in their curriculum by introducing a more diverse programme. They are placing greater emphasis on research-based and higher order thinking skills, acquiring beyond the basic knowledge. This is in line with the MOE’s initiative. The middle category schools are also embarking on introducing and reinforcing some incentive programmes in their schools, especially for those less able students. However, an important observation shows that there was no corresponding decrease in the number of topics taught in class. On the contrary, the number of periods allocated for the science lessons increased in 2005. They also found that the programmes offered by the top schools are more intensive and research oriented than those offered in the middle category schools. By introducing more intensive programme and increase the number of periods, both top schools and middle level schools actually did not put TLLM into practices. These schools rather play “safe” by teaching more, and add more to the curriculum. This can has negative impacts on the school climate, as teachers will have less time to prepare, teach and interact with their students. Sooner or later, teachers would develop resistance towards government initiatives.