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加拿大assignment代写 区块链框架

Keywords:加拿大assignment代写 区块链框架

Hyperledger Fabric是一个来自区块链框架的实现,由Linux基金会托管。它是使用分布式账本技术的开源企业级权限。它是一个部署区块链网络的平台,该平台提供智能契约、账本,并通过维护Fabric协议在成员之间提供共识(Bashir, 2018,第16页)。Fabric是为区块链本身由一组已知参与者操作的企业设计的。这些参与者通过一个称为权限区块链的概念重新确定和审查。区块链还提供了一种方法来确保一组相互了解并具有共同业务利益的实体之间的交互。这些实体感兴趣的是管理分散的网络,而不是将总帐的管理交给一方。通过对身份和对等点的依赖,区块链可以使用传统的崩溃容错协议或分布式程序普遍使用的拜占庭容错协议。这项技术包括几个主要部分。织物中包含的分类帐有一个区块链和一个世界状态,其中包含分类帐上跟踪的所有资产的状态。它还包含所有更改的历史记录,并可跨所有对等点的各种通道进行复制。对等点是组织事务的端点,构成了网络物理结构的很大一部分。通道中有希望通信和进行私有事务的网络成员的子集。链码用于在超级账本结构中实现智能契约。还有一个证书颁发机构,它标识网络中的所有实体。最后一个主要组件是Hyperledger Fabric软件开发工具包,它通过支持多种语言来帮助实现客户端和区块链网络之间的交易。
加拿大assignment代写 区块链框架
Hyperledger Fabric is an implementation from blockchain framework, hosted by the Linux Foundation. It is open-source enterprise-grade permission that makes use of distributed ledger technology. It is a platform that deploys blockchain networks with the platform providing smart contracts, the ledger, and providing a consensus between the members through maintenance of the Fabric protocols (Bashir, 2018, p. 16). Fabric is designed for use by businesses with the blockchain itself being operated by a set of known participants. These participants are re-identified and vetted through a concept called the permission blockchain. The blockchain also provides a way of securing an interaction among a group of entities who know each other and have common business interests. These entities are interested in managing a decentralized network instead of turning the management of their ledgers to one party. Through reliance on the identities and peers, the blockchain can use the traditional crash fault-tolerant or the Byzantine-fault-tolerant protocols that are popularly used by distributed programs. This technology comprises several major components. A ledger contained in the fabric has a blockchain and the world state containing the status of all the assets tracked on the ledger. It also contains a history of all the changes and is replicated across various channels across all peers. The peers are the endpoints of the transactions for the organizations and make up a large part of the physical structure of the network. The channel has a subset of members in the network that want to communicate and make private transactions. Chain code is used in the implementation of smart contracts in the hyper ledger fabric. There is also a certificate authority which identifies all the entities that are within the network. The final major component is the Hyperledger Fabric software development kit which helps in enabling the transaction between clients and the blockchain network through the support of several languages.
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