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加拿大影评作业代写 摩登时代

Keywords:加拿大影评作业代写 摩登时代

另一方面,卓别林的《摩登时代》呈现了工业资本主义社会的复杂互动。这部电影作为一种社会评论,描述了资本主义社会典型的高度异化(Nevin, 2016)。卓别林能够清晰地表现不同公司的工业惯例和对工人的极端剥削。查理一直在一家工厂工作,这家工厂使工人与他们的劳动或产品疏远了。具体来说,查理在一家高度工业化的工厂工作,这家工厂采用了大量的机器来提高效率。根据卡尔·马克思的观点,异化涉及到个人工作和报酬的分离(Nava和O’shea, 1996)。查理一直在一家工厂工作,这家工厂采用了机械设计来促进大规模生产。工厂生活非常无聊,因为工人们在一个孤独的环境中工作,没有任何社会交往。查理是处于不公平的资本主义制度中心的工人的一个例子。工人阶级从事许多小时的劳动,以使追求名誉和利益最大化的资产阶级受益。在电影中,查理的工厂引进了一种喂料机,可以满足员工继续工作的需要。这种机器的目的是确保工人们不再需要午休时间。值得注意的是,午休时间对员工来说是一种优质纽带,因为他们能够进行积极的社交和互动。然而,该公司希望通过提供喂食机来恢复午餐时间是一种异化形式。当资本家想要剥削工人时,工人们就会不停地工作更长时间。在现代,工厂主意味着工人必须面对高度的剥削和异化。对查理来说,他被工作疏远了,因为他永远无法获得他的劳动产品。他从事的项目,他从来没有享受到满意的成品。成品属于工厂老板。因此,查理每天都目睹着他和他的劳动之间的疏远。他无法控制生产过程。他从经理那里得到了具体的指示,必须始终遵守这些指示。更重要的是,这种疏离感将查理与他自己分隔开来,因为他再也不能表现出对自己作为制片人的能力的依恋。异化论的这些方面支持了马克思的理论,马克思的理论解释了资本主义社会中阶级斗争是如何产生的.
加拿大影评作业代写 摩登时代
On the other hand, Chaplin’s Modern Times presents the complex interactions in the industrial capitalist society. The movie serves as a social commentary that depicts the high levels of alienation that is typical of the capitalist society (Nevin, 2016). Chaplin was able to depict a clear representation of the industrial practices and extreme exploitation of workers in different companies. Charlie had been working in a factory that promoted the alienation of workers from their labour or product. Specifically, Charlies works in a highly industrialised factory that has adopted numerous machines that increase efficiency levels. According to Karl Marx, alienation involves a measure of separation between an individual’s work and his rewards (Nava and O’Shea, 1996). Charlie has been working in a factory that has adopted machination to promote mass production. The factory life is extremely boring because the workers work in a solitary environment without any social interactions. Charlie is an example of a worker who has been at the centre of the unfair capitalist system. The working class engages in many hours of labour to benefit the capitalist class that seeks fame and maximised profits. In the movie, Charlie’s factory introduced a feeding machine that would satisfy the needs of the employees as they continued to work. The purpose of such a machine was to ensure that the workers would no longer need the lunch break. Notably, the lunch break was a quality tie for the workers because they were able to socialise and interact positively. However, the company hoped that regaining the lunch hour by providing feeding machines was a form of alienation. The workers would constantly be serving more hours while the capitalists sought to exploit them. In Modern Times, the factory owners signified the high levels of exploitation and alienation with which workers must deal. For Charlie, he was alienated from his work because he would never access the products of his labour. He worked on items that he never enjoyed the satisfaction of the finished products. The finished product belonged to the factory owners. For this reason, Charlie witnessed the alienation between him and his labour on a daily basis. He had no control over the process of production. He received specific instructions from the manager and had to abide by them at all times. Moreover, the alienation separated Charlie from himself because he could no longer demonstrate an attachment to his abilities as a producer. These aspects of alienation support the theory of Karl Marx that explains how the class struggles in a capitalist society emerge

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