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真正的评估既要评估,也要提高学生对问题的看法,对他们是谁,采取相应的行动。它的目的是让学生能够响应号召的真实,同时也评估他们为实现这一目标所做的努力。评估是真实的,可以有助于扩展学生成为他们想成为的人的可能性,尽管这从来没有实现过。真实的评估不应该被教师误解为教师和学生投入大量时间和精力的广泛作业,因为成年人在工作和生活中经常面临许多简单而简短的任务,教师可以为他们的学生做好准备。在评估学生的语言教室里建立的真实任务应该复制现实世界的挑战。实际上,真实的评估需要教师对学生的反应和工作做出判断,需要教师的支持才能使这些判断准确可靠。必须使用一种分数标度,其中数值与性能水平相关(例如,1=Basic, 2=精通,等等)。Defawu(2010)同意真实的或绩效评估应该是“对学生和老师都有吸引力、激励和激励”。虽然真实评估在语言测试领域有很好的应用前景,但是它对教师的要求比使用标准化测试要高。设计和使用真实的评估和判断需要时间和管理技巧,才能对学生的表现得出结论。同时,由于真实的评估是比较新的,教师需要学习如何将评估和指导等联系起来。
authentic assessment seeks to both assess and enhance processes by which students call things into question, take a stand on who they are and act accordingly. Its purpose is to enable students to respond to the call to be authentic, while also assessing their efforts in striving toward this end. Assessment that is authentic can contribute to extending students' possibilities for becoming who they try to be, although this is never achieved once and for all. Authentic assessment should not be misunderstood by teachers to be extensive assignments that invest long time and effort by both teachers and students because adults often face many simple and brief tasks in their work and life for which teachers can prepare their students. Authentic tasks established in language classroom in which students are assessed should replicate real-world challenges. Actually, authentic assessment requires a teacher to judge students' responses and work which need support of to make these judgements accurate and reliable. A rubric which is a scoring scale must be used in which numerical values are associated with performance levels (e.g. 1=Basic, 2=Proficient, etc). Defawu (2010) concurred that authentic or performance assessments should be "engaging, motivating, and stimulating to students and teachers alike. Although authentic assessment has promising benefits in the field of language testing, yet it places greater demands on teachers than the use of standardized testing. Time and management skills are needed to design and use authentic assessment and judgement is required to reach conclusions about students' performance. Also, because authentic assessment is relatively new, teachers need to learn how to link assessment to instruction and so forth.

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