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文化可以定义为“主要通过语言符号系统学习、分享和传播的知识、思想、行为和物质创造的总和”(Lenkeit 26)。文化有三个主要组成部分:认知过程、行为和物质创造。艺术世界无疑拥有物质创作——以音乐、文学、雕塑、绘画等形式——以及一套独特的行为。认知过程包括“学习、了解和感知”(Lenkeit 26),其核心是语言。文化的独特之处在于,所有这些要素“创造了一种模式,这种模式会随着时间的推移而改变,并作为社会成员行为的指导方针”(Lenkeit 26)。这与我们目前对艺术的了解密切相关。许多艺术家受到前人作品的影响。在某些情况下,个体可能会随着时间的推移而进化,有了这两个概念,新的洞察力就会被创造出来,并将用于子孙后代。艺术世界拥有自己独特的语言,因此,这个群体中的人们对艺术的理解与局外人是不同的。哲学家弗兰克·西布利(Frank Sibley)探索了“内部”和“外部”这两个术语之间的区别。他建议,尽管任何人都可以使用美学术语,但那些在艺术世界范围内使用美学术语的人正在充分利用它的潜力;参与者之间有某种共同的知识,这是外行人无法完全理解的。Sibley "提出了这样一种情况即这种判断是明显的"宽松"即没有必要或充分的条件来支持这种判断".
Culture can be defined as the “sum total of the knowledge, ideas, behaviors and material creations that are learned, shared, and transmitted primarily through the symbolic system of language” (Lenkeit 26). There are three main components to a culture: cognitive processes, behaviors and material creations. The artworld most definitely possesses material creations - in the form of music, literature, sculpture, painting, etc. - as well as a unique set of behaviors. Cognitive processes include “learning, knowing and perceiving” (Lenkeit 26) at the heart of which is language. What makes culture unique is that all these components “create a pattern that changes over time and serve as guidelines of behavior for members of the society” (Lenkeit 26). This correlates well with what we know currently about art. Many artists are influenced by the works of other who preceded them. In some cases, an individuals are might evolve over time, and with both of these concepts, new insight is created and will be used for future generations.The artworld possesses its own unique language, and as a result, people within this group perceive art differently than an outsider would. The differences between the terminology used from within and from without, are explored by philosopher Frank Sibley. He suggests that though anyone can use aesthetic terminology, those who employ it from within the sphere of the artworld are utilizing it to its fullest potential; there being a certain shared knowledge between participants that defies complete understanding by the layman. Sibley “makes a case that judgments of this sort are distinctively ‘loose,' in that no conditions are either necessary or sufficient for these kinds of judgment to hold”

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