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加拿大多伦多论文代写 跨国公司

Keywords:加拿大多伦多论文代写 跨国公司

在监管实体、政府和跨国公司之间的拉锯战之后,很明显,这些公司的经营方式可能会发生变化。首先,联合国任命了一名代表,该代表后来提出了尊重和保护人权和商业框架的准则(Brooks 2013,第34页)。这些指导方针需要企业允许政府独自承担保障人权的责任,并在受到侵犯时执行法律。在人权理事会(HRC)通过这两份文件化的指南(OECD 2013年)后,商界通常会欣然接受。然而,尽管这些指导方针得到了认可,但要完全控制跨国公司的实际不当行为仍然不是一件容易的事情。目前,商业界和全球治理只制定了一个具有约束力的、开放性的文件,它只是一个决议。针对跨国公司的商业不当行为的斗争导致大多数非政府组织试图挑战公司通过公众意识、活动和宣传等合法手段获得的权力(Cullen和Parboteeah 2014,第67页)。当这些公司受到监管时,国内行业就不会受到即将进入该行业的公司所带来的挑战,比如关闭业务。值得注意的是,这些跨国公司大多协助政府,随着时间的推移,他们获得了独立,并开始干预他们的政治(邓宁和伦丹2008,第93页)。因此,如果对它们加以管制,就不应发生这种干涉问题。此外,当企业受到监管时,它们也不能开发东道国的自然资源,比如对经济造成损害的不可再生资源。
加拿大多伦多论文代写 跨国公司
After the push and pull between regulation entities, governments and multinational companies, it is evident that there can be a change in the way these companies conduct business. First, the UN appointed a representative who later came up with a guideline that would respect and protect human rights and the business framework of business (Brooks 2013, p.34). These guidelines need the businesses to allow the governments to have the sole responsibility of safeguarding human rights and enforce the laws when violated. The business community typically received the two documented guidelines with open hands after they were endorsed by the Human Rights Council (HRC) (OECD 2013). However, despite the endorsement of these guidelines, it is still not easy to fully control the actual misconduct of the multinational companies. Currently, the business community and the global governance only have made a binding document that is open-ended, and it is just a resolution. The fight against multinational company’s business misconduct has led to most NGOs to try and challenge the power gained by the companies using means that are legal such as public awareness, campaigns and promoting (Cullen and Parboteeah 2014, p.67). When the companies are regulated, the domestic industries are safe from challenges that are presented by the incoming companies such as winding up their business. Notable, most of these multinational companies assist the governments, and with time they gain independence and start interfering with their politics (Dunning and Lundan 2008, p.93). Therefore, if they are regulated, such issues of interference shall not take place. Also, when companies are regulated, they do not get to exploit the natural resources of the host country such as the non-renewable resources that lead to damage to the economy.

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